
On Bodies, Musical Bodies, Dancing Bodies, and Bodies without Organs

Negative Being  The Body-without-Organs (BwO) is like the Tao, in that it just about always escapes definition, always evading the words. In simple terms, it is like a sheet of white paper. In more complex terms it is like “union” […]

On Bodies, Musical Bodies, Dancing Bodies, and Bodies without Organs

Quant-Theorie: Aufsätze zu Baudrillard, Deleuze/Guattari und Laruelle

Quant-Theorie: Zwischen Pataphysik, Quanten-Science und Philosophie Exkurs zum Begriff der Relation Exkurs zu Thomas Nails „Being and Motion“ Laruelle: Adorno und Laruelle: Das Nichtidentische und das Reale Ein philosophischer Dissident Aspekte der Non-Standard-Philosophie Das Ende der dialektischen Konstellation Das Reale

Quant-Theorie: Aufsätze zu Baudrillard, Deleuze/Guattari und Laruelle

Ultra-blackness in Music. A Non-Mixology

What is Rhythm? What is Rhythm? Rhythm is a temporally extended pattern in which information-transmitting processes take place. It can be described by the following parameters: spatial (distance, movement, neighbourhood), temporal (speed, limit of human perception, infinite time scales versus

Ultra-blackness in Music. A Non-Mixology

Subjektivität und Maschinisierung. Von Adorno zu Deleuze/guattari

Subjektivät bei Adorno und Anders Das Dividuum ist der Hohn auf den Anti-Narziss. Es ist die Ausgeburt der Hyper-Dialektik. Eins teilt sich in Zwei. Kann sich der Narziss im Spiegelbild nur zweimal verlieren, indem die Ursache zur Wirkung und das

Subjektivität und Maschinisierung. Von Adorno zu Deleuze/guattari

Subjectivity and Machines: From Adorno to Deleuze/Guattari

1) Subjectivity: Adorno and Günther Anders The dividuum is the mockery of the anti-narcissist. It is the spawn of the hyper-dialectic. One divides into two. If the narcissist can only lose himself twice in the mirror image, in that the

Subjectivity and Machines: From Adorno to Deleuze/Guattari

The Technocommercium: Assemblages of the Mechanosphere

Everything becomes imperceptible, everything is becoming-imperceptible on the plane of consistency, which is nevertheless precisely where the imperceptible is seen and heard. It is the Planomenon, or the Rhizosphere, the Criterium (and still other names, as the number of dimensions

The Technocommercium: Assemblages of the Mechanosphere

Capital theory with Deleuze/Guattari or the Anarchy of Machines – 50 years Anti-Ödipus

The flow of subjective labor and the flow of objective capital. At the moment, more precisely, in the passage of time (which has extended over longer historical periods) in which intrinsically contingent encounters (those of the flows of money-capital and

Capital theory with Deleuze/Guattari or the Anarchy of Machines – 50 years Anti-Ödipus

What Is It Like To Become a Rat? Animal Phenomenology through Uexküll and Deleuze & Guattari

We respond to a phenomenological challenge set forth in Thomas Nagel’s “What Is It Like  To Be a Bat?,” namely, to seek a method for obtaining a phenomenological description of non-humananimal experience faithful to an animal’s first-person subjective perspective. First,

What Is It Like To Become a Rat? Animal Phenomenology through Uexküll and Deleuze & Guattari

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