
Deterritorialisierungen – Field Recordings, Perzepte, glatte Räume und organlose Körper.

Wie in der tektonischen Diskordanz, in der durch tektonische Bewegungen; Faltung, Dehnung, Stauchung, Hebung, Senkung, oder durch singuläre vulkanische Ereignisse, Sedimentsschichten verkippt werden, können auch im Denken, durch äußere oder innere Sensationen innerpsychische Kommunikationsketten, sinnliche Unterscheidungen oder singuläre Ereignisse zu […]

Deterritorialisierungen – Field Recordings, Perzepte, glatte Räume und organlose Körper.

“This world of wild production and explosive desire” – The Unconscious and the Future in Felix Guattari

… In the context of science fiction studies Guattari’s interest in Cyberpunkoffers an alternative to Frederic Jameson’s dismissal of the genre as failing to offer anything more than an uncritical celebration of late-capitalism’s technological ubiquity. In fact Guattari offers hisown

“This world of wild production and explosive desire” – The Unconscious and the Future in Felix Guattari

“Concrete Rules and Abstract Machines” (some notes & comments on Brassier’s talk at the ‘A Thousand Plateaus and Philosophy’ London Workshop)

What follows is a summary of, and some comments on, Ray Brassier’s talk regarding the final chapter of A Thousand Plateaus. Delivered in London, 2015, at the A Thousand Plateaus and Philosophy Workshop] At the very least one can confidently say that the

“Concrete Rules and Abstract Machines” (some notes & comments on Brassier’s talk at the ‘A Thousand Plateaus and Philosophy’ London Workshop)

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