
Robert Meister’s book „Justice is an Option“ (4) – A Revaluation of the Financial Markets

The value of a risky loan is the value of a risk-free loan minus the value of the guarantee, which is the option that can be priced out, either as insurance or interest. The liquidity of private credit markets implies […]

Robert Meister’s book „Justice is an Option“ (4) – A Revaluation of the Financial Markets

Die Verschuldung der Peripherie und die Tendenz der Entdollarisierung

Die niedrigen internationalen Zinssätze und die Politik der quantitativen Lockerung (QE) während und nach der globalen Finanzkrise von 2008 trugen dazu bei, den Anstieg der Auslandsverschuldung und der Schuldendienstzahlungen in allen Entwicklungsregionen zu forcieren. Die Länder des Trikonts und Schwellenländer

Die Verschuldung der Peripherie und die Tendenz der Entdollarisierung

Robert Meister’s book „Justice is an Option“ (3) – A Revaluation of the Financial Markets

In financial markets, asset pricing is a specific historical mode of pricing out options to then convert those options into cash. Pricing out an option in the form of a guarantee in order to sell it at its current price

Robert Meister’s book „Justice is an Option“ (3) – A Revaluation of the Financial Markets

Robert Meister’s new book „Justice is an Option“ (2) – A Revaluation of the Financial Markets

Meister asks why, in a world dominated by finance, we should look to the future through Marx’s eyes? The answer is that the extraction of surplus value in production had the purpose of preserving and accumulating it as an instrument

Robert Meister’s new book „Justice is an Option“ (2) – A Revaluation of the Financial Markets

Robert Meister’s new book “Justice is an Option” (1) – A Revaluation of the Financial Markets

Robert Meister’s book Justice is an Option is an extremely important attempt to relate the theory of current finance to leftist political options aimed, among other things, at a theory of justice involving finance. Meister seeks to transform the concept

Robert Meister’s new book “Justice is an Option” (1) – A Revaluation of the Financial Markets

Elie Ayaches and Suhail Malik’s Heterodox Conceptions of Finance: The Delirium of Contingency

The heterodox positions of Elie Ayache and Suhail Malik on contemporary finance are often perceived, if not discussed more broadly, in the vapor circles of accelerationism. Let us first turn to Suhail Malik’s prosition. For us, the contingent price movements

Elie Ayaches and Suhail Malik’s Heterodox Conceptions of Finance: The Delirium of Contingency

Against the End of History: Why We Should Resist the Transformation of Fossil Capital into Green Capital

Since the proclamation of the “green turn,” which occurred, not coincidentally,  around the time of the 2007-2008 financial crisis, fossil capital has defended its dominance of global energy markets and even sought to lead the development of so-called green future markets.

Against the End of History: Why We Should Resist the Transformation of Fossil Capital into Green Capital

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