
After Brexit and Donald Trump: Is Nationalism challenging Neoliberalism?

… Financial markets generate a structure for overseeing the effectiveness of individual capitals, that is to say a type of supervision of capital movement. The demand for high financial value puts pressure on individual capitals (enterprises) for more1 intensive and

After Brexit and Donald Trump: Is Nationalism challenging Neoliberalism?

Transcending the nation: a communist strategy in the era ofglobalization. A reply to Velissariou

ABSTRACT Neoliberalism and austerity are not ‘false policies’, but strategies of increasing profits by reducing labor and welfare costs. In the process of dismantling labor rights and the welfare state, a part of the population is being marginalized. It becomes

Transcending the nation: a communist strategy in the era ofglobalization. A reply to Velissariou

Bemerkungen zu Anwar Shaikh`s „Capitalism: Competition, Conflict, Crises“ (3)

Die traditionelle Theorie des internationalen Handels basiert auf zwei grundlegenden Thesen: 1) Der freie Handel wird durch die Theorie der komparativen Kosten geregelt. 2) Er führt zur Vollbeschäftigung in jeder Nation. Die erste These besagt, dass eine Nation vom internationalen

Bemerkungen zu Anwar Shaikh`s „Capitalism: Competition, Conflict, Crises“ (3)

On The Radical Left and National Liberation

The usual accusation made against Israel or Zionism is that this state was founded where other people were already living. But the founding acts of all hitherto existing polities were never acts of justice, but rather always acts of violence.

On The Radical Left and National Liberation

Was ist deutsch? – Die Karriere eines Kampfbegriffs

Auf die Frage „Was ist deutsch?“ gibt es keine vernünftige Antwort. Nur Stürme von Erinnerungen, Emotionen und Narrativen. My anti-deutshness gives me fever, these days. Merkwürdigerweise scheint allein das Wort „anti-deutsch“ bis weit in die „linke Mitte“ hinein, vom neuen

Was ist deutsch? – Die Karriere eines Kampfbegriffs

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