
Laruelle zur Differenz (Nietzsche/Deleuze) – (Heidegger/Derrida)

Während die Philosophie des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts von Geschichte und Dialektik besessen war, sind die Schlüsselbegriffe des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts “Differenz” und “Endlichkeit”. Die Differenz wird in den Werken von Nietzsche und Deleuze behandelt. Eine Verbindung von Differenz und Endlichkeit findet sich

Laruelle zur Differenz (Nietzsche/Deleuze) – (Heidegger/Derrida)

The Technocommercium: Assemblages of the Mechanosphere

Everything becomes imperceptible, everything is becoming-imperceptible on the plane of consistency, which is nevertheless precisely where the imperceptible is seen and heard. It is the Planomenon, or the Rhizosphere, the Criterium (and still other names, as the number of dimensions

The Technocommercium: Assemblages of the Mechanosphere

The Theses of Machinic Materialism and its Distinction from Dialectical Materialism

The Theses of Machinic Materialism and its Distinction from Dialectical MaterialismFrançois LaruelleSelections from Nietzsche contre Heidegger: thèses pour une politique nietzschéenne (Paris: Payot, 1977), p.122-136. The Theses of Machinic Materialism“Machinic materialism” is “Nietzsche’s” latent philosophy, produced at the same time as the

The Theses of Machinic Materialism and its Distinction from Dialectical Materialism

How to create with and against Nietzsche a music box for blackness that is no longer a prelude to a deeper – more powerful – perhaps more evil – and more mysterious music, but the music itself: a non-music or a music utopia.

A) Nietzsche and the music Nietzsche’s work Die Geburt der Tragödie deals in depth with music. The book explains that the tragedy originated in the dithyrambos, where lyric poetry was danced and entered into the drama in which music was

How to create with and against Nietzsche a music box for blackness that is no longer a prelude to a deeper – more powerful – perhaps more evil – and more mysterious music, but the music itself: a non-music or a music utopia.

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