
Subjectivity and Machines: From Adorno to Deleuze/Guattari

1) Subjectivity: Adorno and Günther Anders The dividuum is the mockery of the anti-narcissist. It is the spawn of the hyper-dialectic. One divides into two. If the narcissist can only lose himself twice in the mirror image, in that the

Subjectivity and Machines: From Adorno to Deleuze/Guattari

From One Conjuncture, the Other, the Afterwardsness of Guattari and Deleuze

This text addresses some difficulties encountered reading Deleuze and Guattari “in situation,” in order to suggest a “symptomal reading” of their historico-conceptual moment. It first reexamines the distinction between a “history of revolutions” and “revolutionary-becoming,”in order to explain the meaning

From One Conjuncture, the Other, the Afterwardsness of Guattari and Deleuze

The Digital Regime of Truth: From the Algorithmic Governmentality to a New Rule of Law

This is caricature but we have left this idea of the actuarial reality behind for what I would call a ‘post-actuarial reality’ in which it is no longer about calculating probabilities but to account in advance for what escapes probability

The Digital Regime of Truth: From the Algorithmic Governmentality to a New Rule of Law

Another Speculation? Michel Feher on Neoliberalism and Resistance

In getting to grips with “neoliberalism”, a recommended first port of call is the published transcripts of Michel Foucault’s 1979 lecture series at the Collège de France titled The Birth of Biopolitics.[i] In those lectures Foucault demonstrated that the foundations

Another Speculation? Michel Feher on Neoliberalism and Resistance

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