value theory

Commodity Fetishism: an introduction to I.I. Rubin’s Essay on Marx’s Theory of Value

According to economists whose theories currently prevail in America, economics has replaced political economy, and economics deals with scarcity, prices, and resource allocation. In the definition of Paul Samuelson, “economics or political economy, as it used to be called, is […]

Commodity Fetishism: an introduction to I.I. Rubin’s Essay on Marx’s Theory of Value

Marx’s Critique of (Ricardian) Political Economy, the Quantity Theory of Money and Credit Money

The Marxist concept of value is very frequently equated, whether explicitly or merely tacitly, with the corresponding Ricardian concept of “labour expended”. This paper argues that unlike the Ricardian theory of value, the Marxist theory of value is a monetary

Marx’s Critique of (Ricardian) Political Economy, the Quantity Theory of Money and Credit Money

Marx’s Value Theory Revisited. A ‘Value-form’ Approach

Marx’s  Capital  does not present an analysis of different economic ‘models’ of ‘themes’ (first the ‘simple commodity production’, then the ‘capitalist commodity’, etc.). It has a unique object of study,  the capitalist mode of production  (i.e. the immanent regularities and tendencies

Marx’s Value Theory Revisited. A ‘Value-form’ Approach

On the Character of Marxian Theory, “Ricardian Marxism” and the Role of F. Engels

Exposition of the basic points of the Marxist theory of value and its ideological implications, of money (Parts I and II), of social capital and of crises (Parts III and IV) makes it clear that the theoretical analysis (the system

On the Character of Marxian Theory, “Ricardian Marxism” and the Role of F. Engels

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