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25 Thesis about Time

1) Economic quantities can also be changed in time precisely because money, as a so-called transcendental signifier for capital, possesses the quality of a pure quantity, with which money is released from current barter exchanges and thus as a monetary…

Neoliberal Capitalism: Living and Thinking Like Pigs

The title is borrowed from Gilles Châtelet’s book To Live and Think Like Pigs: The Incitement of Envy and Boredom in Market Democracies. What maxim does Châtelet refer to in his book that demands another life instead of a pig’s…

Finance and Reproduction of Capital

Here we examine the ratio of financial capital (finance) to the reproduction of capital. In Section A, we clarify the concept of extended reproduction with particular reference to the concept of circulation. Section B deals mainly with the previously neglected…

Die Zukunft. Der Albtraum.

Keine Angst! Es folgt keine weitere Dystopie. Keine Bedrohungsszenarien, die möglicherweise am Horizont auftauchen. Oder höchst wahrscheinlich schon längst unseren Alltag durchziehen. Oder mehr noch, in vielerlei Hinsicht verzerren. Es geht also nicht um die Gegenwart, in der aktuell Angst…

Is there any machine added surplus value?

Not the problem of the transfer of the value or the reproduction of the value share of the fixed capital, which Marazzi described in his essay The Amortization of the Body Machine (Marazzi 2012: 35ff.) (according to which the constant…

Was bleibt von der Welt am Ende des Monats?

Wir dokumentieren hier ein Flugblatt zur Klimakrise, das in Leipzig und Berlin verteilt wurde und weiter verbreitet werden sollte. Hier auch als PDF zum download. — Angesichts zunehmender Hitze und Waldbränden, steigender Meeresspiegel und Artensterben ist es beinahe unmöglich geworden,…

Laruelle and Capital

Each statement of non-Marxism aims at a double methodization, either as axiom or as theorem, the latter remaining entirely related to the Marxist material, which is always different symptomatologies. The specific operations of non-Marxism should also produce new theoretical objects,…

The miraculous credit creation of private banks

As early as 400 years ago, English goldsmiths began to create paper money by administering their customers’ gold coins and issuing a kind of certificate on them (indicating the amount of gold they had stored) and then lending it as…

Paris am 21. September – Ein Rückblick auf den Acte 45

Ein schwieriger Morgen Um 9 Uhr morgens kreisen die ersten Gilets Jaunes um den Place de la Madeleine. (1) Das Polizeiaufgebot ist augenfällig umfangreich und die „Roten Zonen“, in denen alle Demonstrationen untersagt sind, waren noch nie so umfangreich wie…

24/7 Capital

The rhythms of life, the ups and downs of nature and everyday life must disappear in this world; for the weakness and inadequacy of human time, its diffuse and intertwined structures”, writes Jonathan Cray, “there is no place left in…

Thinking Collective Self-Determination Through Municipalism

The book Anti-Oedipus, by the French thinkers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, has an interesting insight about three types of social formation and their registration surfaces: the primitive society where all is inscribed on land, the bodies are registered on…

Capitalocene and Planetary Justice

The Capitalocene argument therefore rejects anthropocentric flatten-ing — “We have met the enemy and he is us” (as in Walt Kelly’s iconic 1970 Earth Day poster) — along with economic reductionism. To be sure, capi-talism is a system of endless…

Über Entfremdung, die Situationisten und die alltägliche Revolution

In diesem seltenen Interview äußert sich der ehemalige Situationist Raoul Vaneigem über die Revolte der Gilets Jaunes, den technischen Fortschritt und das Versagen des Intellektualismus. Es ist zuerst im englischen im ROAR Magazine erschienen. Der in Belgien geborene Schriftsteller, Gelehrte…

Index of Power Update, 2018-19: China #2

his is an update of the statistics for my Index of Power, using data for 2018-19 and discussing what a country’s ranking reflects. The major change is that China’s rank has shifted up and it has now taken the UK’s…

Fossiles Kapital (1)

Im Jahr 2012 waren die globalen CO2 Emissionen um 58% höher als im Jahr 1990. Dies hatte unter anderem zur Folge, dass die Wirbelstürme aufgrund höherer Temperaturen in den Einzugsgebieten von Ozeanen stärker wurden und die arktischen Ökosysteme eine Reihe…

Marx and the Machine

With the reference to the phylogeny of machines, which ranges from complex tools to machines driven by motors to automatons, Marx always combines a genealogy of technology shaped by capital and thus clearly sets himself apart from a transhistorical theory…

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