
The Time of the Contract: Insurance, Contingency and the Arrangement of Risk

Extract: This essay contends that the contractual is a technique for the reinstatement of a specifically capitalist determinism in the midst of uncertain circumstances and in the face of an indefinite future. Taking the indistinction between the time of life

The Time of the Contract: Insurance, Contingency and the Arrangement of Risk

Capitalism and ecology: from the decline of capital to the decline of the world

‘Kapitalismus und Okologie’ (1976) by Paul Mattick, translated by Paul Mattick Jr.   The historical character of nature follows from the Second Law of thermodynamics, discovered more than a hundred years ago by Carnot and Clausius, spelling an increase in

Capitalism and ecology: from the decline of capital to the decline of the world

Financialization as a Medium: Speculative Notes on Post-Blockchain Art

With the changing funding paradigm for the arts in neoliberal economies, which is increasingly a prerogative of private institutions and corporations, the relation between art and Finance has acquired growing prominence within art discourses and practices. Beginning in the 1960s

Financialization as a Medium: Speculative Notes on Post-Blockchain Art

On the Character of Marxian Theory, “Ricardian Marxism” and the Role of F. Engels

Exposition of the basic points of the Marxist theory of value and its ideological implications, of money (Parts I and II), of social capital and of crises (Parts III and IV) makes it clear that the theoretical analysis (the system

On the Character of Marxian Theory, “Ricardian Marxism” and the Role of F. Engels

Die Nehmer

Wenige heutige Ausdrücke sind so rücksichtslos demaskierend wie der Ausdruck „Arbeitnehmer“. Er stammt natürlich von den Arbeitgebern. Und da Geben seliger ist denn Nehmen, fällt auf den dem Ausdruck „Arbeitnehmer“ entsprechenden Ausdruck „Arbeitgeber“ sogar ein gewisser religiöser Schimmer. In meiner

Die Nehmer

Die Welt als Vernichtungslager

Eine kritische Theorie der Moderne im Anschluss an Günther Anders, Hannah Arendt und Hans Jonas Inspiriert von Günther Anders’ Diktum, die Atombombe verwandele die Welt in ein ausfluchtloses Konzentrationslager, entwickelt Christian Dries im Rekurs auf Anders, Hannah Arendt und Hans

Die Welt als Vernichtungslager

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