
Nick Land and Teleoplexy – The Schizoanalysis of Acceleration

“The ‘dominion of capital’ is an accomplished teleological catastrophe, robot rebellion, or shoggathic insurgency, through which intensively escalating instrumentality has inverted natural process into a monstrous reign of the tool.”       – Nick Land, Teleoplexy: Notes on Accleration “Socialism has

Nick Land and Teleoplexy – The Schizoanalysis of Acceleration

Auf dem Opferaltar des extraktiven Kapitalismus: Anmerkungen zu Abolition und Übergang

Es ist schwierig, ein passenderes und erschreckenderes Sinnbild für die Verflechtung von kapitalistischer Ausbeutungswirtschaft und ökologischer Zerstörung zu finden als Palmöl. Seit fast 200 Jahren ist die Entwicklung dieses Plantagenprodukts von Entbehrungen und Gewalt geprägt, bei der im Namen von Profiten und billigen Preisen menschliche

Auf dem Opferaltar des extraktiven Kapitalismus: Anmerkungen zu Abolition und Übergang

How to Read Capitalism in the Web of Life: Towards a World-Historical Materialism in the Web of Life

Of modernity’s illusions, none is so powerful—and none more fundamental to the imperialist bourgeoisie’s belief structures—than Man and Nature (Moore 2021e). I have written these words in the uppercase because they are not merely words; they are instruments of bourgeois

How to Read Capitalism in the Web of Life: Towards a World-Historical Materialism in the Web of Life

Ten Theses on the War in Ukraine and the Challenge for India

Big power rivalry is driven, in great part, by domestic economic and political factors. The US, Russia, Europe, and China all have internally driven tendencies towards external expansion. The same logic also illuminates another key feature of imperialism. That conflict

Ten Theses on the War in Ukraine and the Challenge for India

Anthropocene, Capitalocene & the Flight
from World History: Dialectical Universalism
& the Geographies of Class Power in the
Capitalist World-Ecology, 1492-2022

The roots of Cheap Nature and its double register – economic exploitationand geocultural domination – are found in modern imperialism. Imperialism is thebourgeoisie’s preferred mode of class formation because it more readily brings to bearthe military and juridical power of

Anthropocene, Capitalocene & the Flight
from World History: Dialectical Universalism
& the Geographies of Class Power in the
Capitalist World-Ecology, 1492-2022

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