
Acceleration and Catastrophe – Schismogenesis (Deleuze/Guattari) vs. Death Metaphysics (Nick Land).

As a transhumanist, Kurzweil argues that computational devices, particularly those of AI, continue the trend of natural evolution toward the production of ordered information patterns. Whereas the orderliness of natural information processing systems is measured by whether the behavior is

Acceleration and Catastrophe – Schismogenesis (Deleuze/Guattari) vs. Death Metaphysics (Nick Land).

Beschleunigung und Katastrophe – Schismogenese (deleuze/Guattari) vs. Todesmetaphysik (Nick land)

Als Transhumanist vertritt Kurzweil die Ansicht, dass computergestützte Geräte, insbesondere die der KI, den Trend der natürlichen Evolution hin zur Produktion geordneter Informationsmuster fortsetzen. Während die Ordnung der natürlichen Informationsverarbeitungssysteme daran gemessen wird, ob das Verhalten für das Überleben und

Beschleunigung und Katastrophe – Schismogenese (deleuze/Guattari) vs. Todesmetaphysik (Nick land)

Heating Up: An Interview With Peter Gelderloos On Climate Change And The Fight To Change Everything

From It’s going down (19/09/2023) … This summer brought yet another record heat wave, as climate change fueled disasters hit countries around the world, leaving human communities devastated by flooding, wildfires, and storms. While this “new normal” has brought climate change to the forefront of

Heating Up: An Interview With Peter Gelderloos On Climate Change And The Fight To Change Everything

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