
Chapter on Dialectics, Materialism, Change: From Epicurus to Marx via Aristotle

Marx’s reading of Greek atomism informs his uncompromisingly materialist stance, something we will inspect more closely further on in the chapter. At this point, suffice it to say that the contradiction that underpins Epicurean atomism, according to young Marx, is

Chapter on Dialectics, Materialism, Change: From Epicurus to Marx via Aristotle

The Theses of Machinic Materialism and its Distinction from Dialectical Materialism

The Theses of Machinic Materialism and its Distinction from Dialectical MaterialismFrançois LaruelleSelections from Nietzsche contre Heidegger: thèses pour une politique nietzschéenne (Paris: Payot, 1977), p.122-136. The Theses of Machinic Materialism“Machinic materialism” is “Nietzsche’s” latent philosophy, produced at the same time as the

The Theses of Machinic Materialism and its Distinction from Dialectical Materialism

Difference and Repetition: Introduction, Repetition and Difference

Deleuze’s Difference and Repetition is notoriously difficult. It is arguably the most difficult of Deleuze’s writings (though I’d put my money on The Fold). In this post I’ve attempted to provide an outline of the introduction of the text, titled “Repetition and Difference.”

Difference and Repetition: Introduction, Repetition and Difference

Von Menschen, Flundern und letzten Dingen. Günther Anders’ negative Menschenkunde der Moderne

… Weltlos bzw. unfrei – das heißt: zum erfahrungslosen Nichtstun verdammt – ist der Mensch Anders zufolge daher auch in seinen modernen, durchratio-nalisierten Arbeitswelten, in denen echte menschliche Tätigkeit vis-à-vis immer kompetenterer Maschinen bzw. Technologien zu bloßem „Mit-Funktionieren“ herabsinkt, der

Von Menschen, Flundern und letzten Dingen. Günther Anders’ negative Menschenkunde der Moderne

Register zu
Gilles Deleuze/Félix Guattari,
Anti-Ödipus: Kapitalismus und Schizophrenie Band I,
Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1977 [Paris 1972]

zusammengestellt von Eckhard Hammel (1) Namensregister(2) Begriffsregister(3) böse Übersetzungs- oder Druckfehler (1) Namensregister A Abraham 354Adler, Alfred (/Cartry, Michel) 166 201 205f 233 428 459Alexandrian, Sarane 507Althusser, Louis 18 289 319 395 448Amin, Samir 297f 308Anzieu, Didier 387 393Apollon 138Aristoteles

Register zu
Gilles Deleuze/Félix Guattari,
Anti-Ödipus: Kapitalismus und Schizophrenie Band I,
Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1977 [Paris 1972]

“The Fundamental Questions and Research Programmes for a Study into the NET,” from Le nouvel esprit technologique (2020)

The Fundamental Questions and Research Programmes for a Study into the NETFrançois LaruelleIn Le nouvel esprit technologique (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2020), p.85-98 This is a table of the main questions towards a critique of Technological Reason: I. EVALUATION OF THE “PHILOSOPHIES

“The Fundamental Questions and Research Programmes for a Study into the NET,” from Le nouvel esprit technologique (2020)

Spectacular Logic in Hegel and Debord: Why Everything is as it Seems

Book Announcement Spectacular Logic in Hegel and Debord: Why Everything is as it Seems by Eric-John Russell, foreword by Étienne Balibar Available now in hardback from Bloomsbury Academic: Please consider encouraging your institution’s library to purchase a copy. There

Spectacular Logic in Hegel and Debord: Why Everything is as it Seems

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