
New Translation of Félix Guattari’s Seminar “Les Quatres Inconscients 13/01/1981”

Original source:  Translated by Taylor Adkins, 4/12/2020 Félix Guattari: I am always under a little pressure from M., who asks as frequently as possible for some examples. On the other hand, my concern would be to try to delve

New Translation of Félix Guattari’s Seminar “Les Quatres Inconscients 13/01/1981”

MEHRWERT und MEHR-GENIESSEN Zu Lacans Homologie-Behauptung

La plus-value c´est ça, c´est le plus de jouir… (Jacques Lacan, Milano 12.05.1972) Lacan gibt bekanntlich im Seminar 17 (1969/70) eine eigenwillige, von Hegels Herr-Knecht-Dialektik inspirierte (oder von Alexandre Kojève animierte) Begründung des Kapitalismus. Er behauptet dort, daß der Knecht

MEHRWERT und MEHR-GENIESSEN Zu Lacans Homologie-Behauptung

Was ist Foraminiferderalogie?

“Wenn nämlich in aller poststrukturalistischer Stringenz die Differenz von Wert/Wertabspaltung durch alle […] Unterschiede hindurch gelesen wird und mit einer extrapolativen Spekulation in der nontologischen Spektrenanalyse sich bereits erkennen lässt, dass der hegemonialen Weltäquivalenzkette fast das gesamte ökonomische, kulturelle, soziale,

Was ist Foraminiferderalogie?

On the End of History & the Death of Desire (Notes on Time and Negativity in Bataille’s ‘Lettre á X.’)

To continue from our conclusions regarding the question of what it would mean to love as a communist, we begin from the idea that abolition is what necessary binds communism as real movement to problems encountered in the life of

On the End of History & the Death of Desire (Notes on Time and Negativity in Bataille’s ‘Lettre á X.’)

Underground Intensities: The Gothic Marxism of Deleuze and Guattari

taken from The Wasted World Within the pages of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari’s collaborative works recur images of the most unsettling kind. Writing of capital’s endless thirst for living labour, they remark that it “is no longer the cruelty

Underground Intensities: The Gothic Marxism of Deleuze and Guattari

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