
Synthetic Fabrication: The Myth of the Politics-to-Come (Part 0: Introduction)

Missing The Millennium is ten years out, but for Baudrillard it might as well have already happened. The eclipsing of the communists’ historical dream by globalized flows of floating capital and information ushered in a cold, glacial stasis: the enveloping

Synthetic Fabrication: The Myth of the Politics-to-Come (Part 0: Introduction)

FORS and the new Global Wealth Report 2017

The new Global Wealth Report 2017 is out. It says there is 280 trillion dollar global wealth and that there will be 341 trillion dollar by 2022. As always, you have to consider a few things: Some countries are missing

FORS and the new Global Wealth Report 2017

On the End of History & the Death of Desire (Notes on Time and Negativity in Bataille’s ‘Lettre á X.’)

To continue from our conclusions regarding the question of what it would mean to love as a communist, we begin from the idea that abolition is what necessary binds communism as real movement to problems encountered in the life of

On the End of History & the Death of Desire (Notes on Time and Negativity in Bataille’s ‘Lettre á X.’)

Gegen Antisemitismus und Verschwörungsideologie auf der GegenBuchMasse und anderswo

Immer wieder die gleiche Querfrontscheiße: wir dokumentieren und unterstützen die Kritik der emanzipativen Fraktion innerhalb der GegenBuchMasse gegen Antisemitismus und Verschwörungsideologie Am Freitag, den 13. Oktober sollte in Rahmen der GegenBuchMasse eine Lesung mit Annette Groth in der Internationalen Buchhandlung Südseite

Gegen Antisemitismus und Verschwörungsideologie auf der GegenBuchMasse und anderswo

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