
From One Conjuncture, the Other, the Afterwardsness of Guattari and Deleuze

This text addresses some difficulties encountered reading Deleuze and Guattari “in situation,” in order to suggest a “symptomal reading” of their historico-conceptual moment. It first reexamines the distinction between a “history of revolutions” and “revolutionary-becoming,”in order to explain the meaning

From One Conjuncture, the Other, the Afterwardsness of Guattari and Deleuze

What is the difference between process philosophy and the philosophy of movement?

Process Ontology and Becoming The historical precursors of the philosophy of motion have also had a major influence on a number of contemporary process ontologies, or ontologies of becoming. Process ontology, like the ontology of movement, emphasizes flux and becoming

What is the difference between process philosophy and the philosophy of movement?

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