
The Current Financial Meltdown: A Crisis of Finance Capital-Driven Globalisation

For Marx, well before when Keynes spoke of capitalism a ‘monetary economy of production’ (Keynes) , money as an independent expression of a certain amount of value, is the form through which capitalists can control that the process of valorization […]

The Current Financial Meltdown: A Crisis of Finance Capital-Driven Globalisation

Der Unbehagen der Marxisten. Crisis, finance, and the falling rate of profit

Alan Freeman, Geopolitical Economy Research Group, University of Manitoba 5 May, 2018 Nichts ist schwerer und nichts erfordert mehr Charakter, als sich in offenem Gegensatz zu seiner Zeit zu befinden und laut zu sagen: Nein. – Tucholsky Zu

Der Unbehagen der Marxisten. Crisis, finance, and the falling rate of profit

Final Remarks ( The Crisis and the Rift: A Symposium on Joshua Clover’s Riot.Strike.Riot)

Interlude on the Model It is here that we might arrive at what I believe to be the most significant generic distinction regarding what kind of book it is. It is a book that makes models. A model always involves

Final Remarks ( The Crisis and the Rift: A Symposium on Joshua Clover’s Riot.Strike.Riot)

The character of the crises: Seeking a way-out for the social majority

Dear comrades and friends, In order to answer the question stated by the organizers of  this very important meeting, we must speak about neoliberalism and the financial sphere.Neoliberalism is a form of capitalist exploitation, i.e. of extracting surplus valueand stren

The character of the crises: Seeking a way-out for the social majority

A Critique of the Critique of Finance: Critics of neoliberal capitalism rarely recognize the productive power of speculation

If there is one theme that unites the various critiques of contemporary finance, it is the emphasis on its speculative character. Financial growth is said to be driven not by the logic of efficient markets, but rather by irrational sentiment,

A Critique of the Critique of Finance: Critics of neoliberal capitalism rarely recognize the productive power of speculation

After Brexit and Donald Trump: Is Nationalism challenging Neoliberalism?

Dear friends and comrades, I will argue that the return of statist and nationalist policies does not actually mean that Neoliberalism is being challenged. Neoliberalism is a form of capitalist goverrnmentality, a form of organizing the power of capital over

After Brexit and Donald Trump: Is Nationalism challenging Neoliberalism?

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