
Financialization as a Medium: Speculative Notes on Post-Blockchain Art

With the changing funding paradigm for the arts in neoliberal economies, which is increasingly a prerogative of private institutions and corporations, the relation between art and Finance has acquired growing prominence within art discourses and practices. Beginning in the 1960s

Financialization as a Medium: Speculative Notes on Post-Blockchain Art

The Crypt of Art, the Decryption of Money, the Encrypted Common and the Problem with Cryptocurrencies

 As I have argued in the first Moneylab Reader, money is a medium of the imagination. While it is often presumed to be a banal and basic substance marked by its fungibility, ease of use, widespread acceptance and legal status,

The Crypt of Art, the Decryption of Money, the Encrypted Common and the Problem with Cryptocurrencies

On the Character of Marxian Theory, “Ricardian Marxism” and the Role of F. Engels

Exposition of the basic points of the Marxist theory of value and its ideological implications, of money (Parts I and II), of social capital and of crises (Parts III and IV) makes it clear that the theoretical analysis (the system

On the Character of Marxian Theory, “Ricardian Marxism” and the Role of F. Engels

Die Verallgemeinerung der Reparationen

Moore/Patel haben es in ihrem neuen Buch nur vage angesprochen. Ist aber eine ganz konrete Forderung: Angesichts des Raubs, Plünderung und der Extraktion des Mehrwerts, die das Kapital seit dem Jahr 1492 vorgenommen hat, stellen die Subalternen nun Reparationsforderungen, ich

Die Verallgemeinerung der Reparationen

LiPumas “The Social Life of Financial Derivatives” (7)

Die Trinität Ereignis, Typus und Totalität konstituiert Momente der Objektivierung, die wiederum erzeugt wird, um die Prozesse der Zirkulation zu beschleunigen. Wenn es einen Anker beim spekulativen Kapital gibt, dann ist es die Feier des Risikos, gemessen in der Volatilität

LiPumas “The Social Life of Financial Derivatives” (7)

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