
Home Too much production: Postone’s new interpretation of Marx’s theory provides a categorical critique with deficits

Moishe Postone has produced a weighty work on central, categorical questions of Marx’s critique of economy. It is in no way a merely academic exercise. The vanishing point of even his most abstract considerations is the question of how to

Home Too much production: Postone’s new interpretation of Marx’s theory provides a categorical critique with deficits

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The Concept of a ‘First Technology’

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What they find so disturbing about the black bloc—the contagion of an anonymous collective force—is precisely why and how it continues to outlive every social movement from which it emerges. These generations—we who fantasized about Columbine and now only know

God Only Knows What Devils We Are: An Apopologia for the Black Bloc from the Community of those who do not have a Community.

Die Unterscheidung zwischen finanziellem und realem Kapital

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Die Unterscheidung zwischen finanziellem und realem Kapital

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art IV of our Economy of the War Machine will arrive in several separate posts. Our outline is as follows. Chapter One. Overview of Part IV. Elements of Nomadic Distribution Chapter Two. A Technological Issue. Interminable Deterritorialization (Continuous Recalibration) (parts a and

Economy of the War Machine (Part IV. Overview)

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Introduction to Non-Marxism: Determination-in-the-Last-Instance (DLI)

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