
Ultra-blackness in Music. A Non-Mixology

What is Rhythm? What is Rhythm? Rhythm is a temporally extended pattern in which information-transmitting processes take place. It can be described by the following parameters: spatial (distance, movement, neighbourhood), temporal (speed, limit of human perception, infinite time scales versus […]

Ultra-blackness in Music. A Non-Mixology

The New Image of Thought As Fusion of the Quantum and Philosophy

The New Image of Thought As Fusion of the Quantum and PhilosophyFrançois LaruelleFrom Tétralogos: un opéra de philosophies (Paris: Cérf, 2018), p.152-156; p.157-161.PDF 1. As An Undulatory AspectThe first phase of our construction is the constitution of the matrix or quantization under

The New Image of Thought As Fusion of the Quantum and Philosophy

Democracy of-the-Last-Instance Within the Sciences: General Equivalency and Generic Idempotency

Democracy of-the-Last-Instance Within the Sciences: General Equivalency and Generic IdempotencyFrançois LaruelleIn Introduction aux sciences génériques (Paris: Éditions Pétra, 2008), p.97-104. 1) Many philosophers love to mock “democracy,” a theme that is either idealist or political [politicien] or popular, those who keep lying

Democracy of-the-Last-Instance Within the Sciences: General Equivalency and Generic Idempotency

Chapter on Dialectics, Materialism, Change: From Epicurus to Marx via Aristotle

Marx’s reading of Greek atomism informs his uncompromisingly materialist stance, something we will inspect more closely further on in the chapter. At this point, suffice it to say that the contradiction that underpins Epicurean atomism, according to young Marx, is

Chapter on Dialectics, Materialism, Change: From Epicurus to Marx via Aristotle

The Theses of Machinic Materialism and its Distinction from Dialectical Materialism

The Theses of Machinic Materialism and its Distinction from Dialectical MaterialismFrançois LaruelleSelections from Nietzsche contre Heidegger: thèses pour une politique nietzschéenne (Paris: Payot, 1977), p.122-136. The Theses of Machinic Materialism“Machinic materialism” is “Nietzsche’s” latent philosophy, produced at the same time as the

The Theses of Machinic Materialism and its Distinction from Dialectical Materialism

“The Fundamental Questions and Research Programmes for a Study into the NET,” from Le nouvel esprit technologique (2020)

The Fundamental Questions and Research Programmes for a Study into the NETFrançois LaruelleIn Le nouvel esprit technologique (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2020), p.85-98 This is a table of the main questions towards a critique of Technological Reason: I. EVALUATION OF THE “PHILOSOPHIES

“The Fundamental Questions and Research Programmes for a Study into the NET,” from Le nouvel esprit technologique (2020)

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