
Der Quanten-Marxismus/ Non-Laruelle (1)

Laruelle fordert in seinem Essay Marx with Planck eine marxistische Gnosis und nennt sich selbst infolgedessen keinen Marxisten, sondern einen an der Zukunft orientierten Marxisten, der sich auf der Suche nach einer aleatorischen Teleologie befindet, die keinen Zusammenhang mit dem

Der Quanten-Marxismus/ Non-Laruelle (1)

The Concept of a ‘First Technology’

Laruelle, François. “Le concept d’une ‘technologie première’” in Gilbert Simondon: une pensée de l’individituation et la technique. Paris: Albin Michel, 1994. 206-219. The Concept of a “First Technology” François Laruelle A “Unified Theory” of Technics and Technology In order to

The Concept of a ‘First Technology’

The Transcendental Computer: A Non-Philosophical Utopia

Translated by Taylor Adkins and Chris Eby The unified theory of thought and computing [calcul][2], a unification in-the-last-identity, is a task facing every encyclopedic mind (Morin, Serres). It is also the theme of the transcendental computer (TC), of a machine

The Transcendental Computer: A Non-Philosophical Utopia

Introduction to Non-Marxism: Determination-in-the-Last-Instance (DLI)

Laruelle, Francois. Introduction au non-marxism. PUF: Paris, 2000. 39-55. translated by Taylor Adkins Chapter III: Determination-in-the-Last-Instance First Elucidation of the Determination-in-the-Last-Instance (DLI) The determination-in-the-last-instance, invented by Marx-Engels for historical Materialism, never received from them a concept adequate enough to simultaneously

Introduction to Non-Marxism: Determination-in-the-Last-Instance (DLI)

From a Philosophically Clean-Shaven Marx to a Philosophically Decolonized Deleuze

[This is a really rough outline/introductory sketch for the third chapter of my dissertation, which takes up the relationship between the persisting residual eurocentrism in specific interpretations of D&G’s political project, and how D&G themselves constructed a framework by which

From a Philosophically Clean-Shaven Marx to a Philosophically Decolonized Deleuze

Slime ethics: Lovecraft and becoming-alien

In recent years H.P. Lovecraft gathered a lot of interest from modern philosophers, most  visibly in the writings of Graham Harman and other speculative realists like Reza Negarestani or Eugene Thacker. His writings were also, perhaps unexpectedly, taken up by

Slime ethics: Lovecraft and becoming-alien

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