“The Glossary of the Generic Quantum,” from Philosophie non-standard

In Philosophie non-standard: générique, quantique, philo-fiction (Paris: Kimé, 2010), p.51-64

Along with the acronyms that we use, we add this glossary of notions proper to the generic treatment of the Quantum. It sums up necessary theoretical notions for the preparation of the Matrix and conducting the experiment. Therefore, we leave aside the most classical terminology of philosophy and above all citing the quantum, but in its generic version. The entanglement of notions is such that it had to be resolved to follow alphabetical order and renounce a reasoned glossary. Even the dictionary of a language that one would assume as totally unknown can serve as an introduction and avoid infinite trial and error. Otherwise, many explanations of concepts are made with recourse to synonyms present in the text. The point is to fix a minimum of stability and possible recognition in a sometimes-fluent use of these concepts formed from aggregates that are superpositions. What is ideal, quite contrary to our customs as readers of either essays or technical works belonging to a determined domain, would be to memorize a minimum of this vocabulary in the way of a language foreign to physicists and philosophers, but borrowing a part of their vocabulary from them. The simple reading of this glossary demonstrates to what extent we knowingly distance ourselves from Quantum Mechanics in the use of its concepts, into another function or another system whose parameters are all of a unilateral nature. The reading should avoid confusions or appearances bound to the overlapping of scientific concepts and generic (or philosophical) concepts, which would lead specialists into an erroneous interpretation of the meaning of this enterprise.

The Amplitude of Futurality or Virtuality. Equivalent in the generic sphere of the amplitude of probability, the wave-function or vector state in QM. A formula or equation whose general form is the form of the Matrix and programs the quantum transformation in-the-last-instance of a corpuscular Conceptual Identity, the law of its under-determination and detection. This is the condition of-the-last-instance under the form of a futural and virtual non-acting that defines the amplitude of a thought in the process of invention.

Clonality. The generic or particle writing of a concept obtained following a thought experiment done within the Matrix. Clonality makes up a unilateral complementarity with virtuality or futurality. Though actual or realized differently from the immanent wave of virtuality, clonality exists only as a writing in the state of the clone or the noema, detectable under conditions of-the-last-instance that are virtual. Clonality is the mode of presence of the Conceptual Identity qua particle configured by the wave. The proportion of realized or really detected cases to possible cases as programed by the wave of virtuality with its variables and its imaginary number is the generic type of “probability” or radical chance and it is not a question of quantity but generic quantum.

Clone. The undulatory but noematic form of the particle as transcendence fallen in-immanence. It is Identity-without-unity qua apprehended in-immanence in its complete form as a particle, the wave-front included. The clone is said in the particular as the subject-form or the particulate ego under the name “Stranger-subject.”

Conceptual Identity. The corpuscular object or object supposed in-itself, typical of philosophical reality, the macroscopic form of thought par excellence that every philosophical or standard representation participates in (concept, term, meaning, category). It is not especially the transcendental of the One except if it is also said of any philosophical term. The conceptual identity is received as apparently simple, the object and the material of an undulatory deconstruction that produces quantum genesis under the form of a particulate “micro-identity” that can be reconverted through the in-itself macroscopic objective appearance.

Configuration. The particle or noematic effect of undulatory non-acting upon the particulate, when undulation is completed as a front. It is the phenomenal content among other interpretations of the wave-corpuscle duality, of the “pilot-wave” or guide (de Broglie) of the particle.

De-numerization and de-conceptualization. The procedure of the reduction of numerical aspects of mathematical encompassing (Principle of Sufficient Mathematics [PSM]) of QM and sufficient aspects of philosophical encompassing (Principle of Sufficient Philosophy [PSP]). The generic quantization of philosophy is a science-without-numbers or without-calculation and without-transcendental. It is an operation of the simplification of doublets (PSP) and the reduction of specularity in general.

Generic Plane. The superposition of what philosophy would distinguish and correlate as the plane-of-immanence and the scientific plane-of-reference. The undulatory defines an immanence that is a flow and not a plane, the particulate defines a reference under the form of a plane. They form a unilateral complementarity or a uni-plane. The generic plane as scientific reference completes without closing immanence back up.

Generic Science (GS). The entire project of a Unified Theory of philosophy and other knowledges. It is what becomes “non-philosophy” following its quantum and generic comprehension. No designation gives a perfect or specular image of its object, and it covers the braids of three theoretical contributions containing generically at once the “science of philosophy” and “generic quantum,” its two inseparable strands. “Non-Standard Philosophy” is preferable though vague for reasons of simplicity, universality and echoing “non-philosophy” all by avoiding the errors of interpretation to which the latter gives rise to.

Futural. The state of that which under-comes as Last-Instance [LI] in-the-face-of the Stranger-subject as a passive acting. Non-acting under-determines first transcendence, its own experience of the “future” included. The LI or the Generic Subject before-the-first is futural or a form of virtuality.

Idemmanence. The radical, not absolute, form of immanence when it is obtained by the superposition of the idempotency of algebraic origin and immanence as a concept of philosophical origin. It characterizes the generic plane as a simple transcending to distinguish it from the absolute “plane of immanence” (Deleuze) as having a part bound with double philosophical transcendence.

Idempotency. The algebraic property of certain operations (A + A = A), here interpreted philosophically as the phenomenal property of superposition and its immanence. The principle of undulation or the a priori form of the particle.

Imaginary or Complex Number. Represented geometrically by the quarter-turn or quarter-circle, written as square root of -1. Not real like arithmetical numbers, the imaginary or complex number adds the meaning of direction and transformation to them. It is phenomenally and non-physically equivalent to the ¼ spin or immanent of the Last Instance in which it is the imaginary part. It is the immanental or pre-undulatory principle of the undulatory a priori.

Immanental. Directly opposed to the transcendental, symmetrical to radical immanence. It is the non-relation of immanence (through superposition) with experience, that is, with the particle and even distant with the corpuscle.  The power of under-determination by the Last  Instance of double transcendence that falls in-immanence.

In-Person. The phenomenal character of radical immanence or the One, its power of showing itself as uni-lateral or uni-facial, the unique face-(of)-the-One or One-in-person. The in-person is either said of immanence or transcendence fallen in-immanence. The generic is opposed to individual singularity and the whole, it is immanence itself and therefore the face of transcendence or the “person” of immanence. In-person is said of notions reduced to radical immanence.

Indirect (Indirect Discipline or Interdiscipline). A generic discipline is indirect if it reaches its object through an inseparable double mediation, if its object makes a part of its means, and if its principle means is also an object. A quantum of philosophy uses philosophy not only as an object but as a means. A generic discipline of the quantum uses the quantum as a means and not only as an object. Every object from one discipline is also a means of it. The vectorial action of the module does not solely depend in general on the phase but invests it even with its object. An indirect science is a science of means before being a science of simple or rational “objectivity.”

Mediate-without-Mediation. In the language of causality, the effect insofar as it under-determines or determines in-the-last-instance its cause, therefore without proceeding through a simple inversion of the causal order. The effect of a mediation whose cause or act has been under-determined by this activating effect as “Last Instance.” The status of what is real, immanent or phenomenal and whose act is either mediation or givenness is rejected as particulate transcendence. As an immanence but indirect, immediacy but without transparency, an indirect but immediate action, action at a distance but through distance itself. Like the “non,” the “without” is not absolute but solely radical. The without is the universal fold of a generic plane or an immanence that transcends without being reached yet in the state of particulate (simple) transcendence that supposes that it is fallen-in-immanence or eventually became perceptible as bi-facial. Rather than the individual or singularity opposed to the universal or even mediated by it, the mediate-without-mediation is indivi-duality or uni-lateral, or sub-universal generality or immanence that self-engenders a simple and non-double transcendence like the philosophical universal. The mediate-without-mediation is radical immanence through the superposition of reciprocal mediations or mutual interpretations of quantum and philosophical variables of the matrix. It is not absolutely “without” mediation but it is only without mediation radically or unilaterally so. It is the environs that is no longer partitioned between two limits but having become consistent or autonomous through immanence and no longer through transcendence. The mediate-without-mediation is undulatorily a mi-lieu but in relation to the philosophical circle. It should be called a “quarter-lieu.”

Non-Acting. The specific state of the Last Instance or Generic Subject insofar as it is not a principle of auto-production and furthermore not an extreme-Eastern or absolute non-acting, but a radical non-acting. Radical non-acting is a virtual, futural acting occasionally sought or relaunched by the repetition of an occasion on which it acts by configuring it, under-determining its double transcendence. The relaunching of the Generic Subject and occasional repetition of undulation form a unilateral complementarity. The reaction of non-acting that seeks the occasion is not constitutive or real of the action of non-acting but is a simple relaunch for it.

Non-Commutability. One of the two universal principles of QM of an algebraic origin beside superposition. It stipulates that the inverse products of two “physical quantities” are not equal or commutable. Here, it is transformed into the unilateral order or the Last Instance that is inseparable from it, now stipulating that it is as generic and philosophy which is its object and even its hermeneutical occasion are not commutable or do not form a unilateral complementarity.

Non-Einsteinian (non-Gödelian, non-Schrödingerian, non-Cohenian, etc.). The “non” that modalizes the proper names assigned to a theory or system of thought is, like the “without,” a characteristic of the generic that uses science or its critical power over their own and latter philosophical claims. The “non” speaks of the One-in-One of Einstein, Gödel, etc., and not their being. Therefore, it has an extremely reduced negative value and does not engage any dialectic of contraries or opposites, no withdrawing operation, and is rigorously a neutralization or simplification of transcendence for the corpuscle passing to the state of the particle or again the negation of-the-last-instance. Rigorously, we must call it non-negation or non-nihilating without appealing to a dialectic. Its effect is that of a “broken or unilateral transference,” transcendence subsists by losing its doublet form, immanence is re-affirmed or radicalized as superposition. The “non” is the general effect of the substitution of superposition with philosophical identification or doublet.

Oraxiom. Portmanteau (axiom and oracle) that speaks of, under the form of a unique conceptual particle, the superposition of the mathematical axiom and the philosophical decision. The “axioms” of non-philosophy or the axioms that GS “declares” and, in particular, the LI conjugate two types of decision: one mathematical of the opening of a structured formal field, and the other philosophical of the arbitrary but ruled or undecidable decision. The oraxiom is the saying of radical immanence and is under-determined by it. Some other nuances of the term (the sibylline, the enigmatic, the abyssal or the groundless, the delirious) belong to philo-fiction and must be transformed according to the same rules. Futurality is par excellence what is declared or performed by oraxioms.

Particle. Hylomorphic entity associating without mediation the strictly speaking particulate noematic form and matter coming from the corpuscle under the form of unilateral duality. It is a simple transcendence without doublet or given in-immanence. It is the result of the generic, quantum or non-textual deconstruction of philosophy.

Philosophical. A term that here receives a double use and not only one encompassing deployed according to multiple systems. 1) In its critical use, “philosophical” then designates the sufficiency of double transcendence or the encompassing re-affirmation of a mundane transcendent phenomenon of thought. 2) In its descriptive use, every representation or thought is “philosophical” in the sense that it contains a moment of transcendence called simple or “non-philosophical” in which it is helped as a material and a means. The critique of the philosophical only aims at the first use, the most universal in philosophers but also the most sterile. In the second sense, the philosophical is still present though very reduced, passed from the doublet to the simple, for example in the expressions “non-philosophy” and “non-standard philosophy.

Positivity. Two distinct uses. 1) Ordinary practice or practice under the horizon of philosophizability of assumed autonomous, in-themselves or sufficient disciplines, philosophy comprised (we then speak of “spontaneity”). 2) Generic practice that, while a non-acting of a “negative” condition and under-determinant of science-philosophy complexes, possess within it a positive trait of autonomy or consistency that is its own, the Last Instance that determines its subtraction with transcendence and makes transcendence into the state of occasional cause.

Quantization. Here exclusively designates the globally generic and non-calculating, non-digital quantum interpretation of philosophy or concepts and is completed by generic re-quantization strictly speaking. This use is a facility provided by multiple uses and the extension of the “quantum.” Digital and geometric quantitative, as elsewhere the philosophical, are “bracketed.” They are not more than macroscopic “artifacts” or at best unilateralized particles but in no way raised or effaced determinations of the quantum of action then generic quantum.

Quarter-Turn (the Quartial). Geometrical representation of the imaginary or complex number noted as square root of -1. A before-first belonging under the vectoriel form of immanence and transcendence (simple transcending), constitutes the pre-undulatory substance of the Last Instance, at least its matter if not its implementation. It is the genetic or pre-quantum element of undulation. Physical quantum superposes complete undulation with itself without delay, the generic superposes the quarter with itself by superposing it with the wave. The quartial returns to the pre-original and algebraic root capable of generically grounding a quantum on the imaginary or complex alone. The quarter-turn is distinct from the “quadripartite” that is a theory of the quarter as four and therefore under the corpuscular horizon of the whole.

Real. A very overdetermined term that designates 1) either very rarely the reality of basic objects of a classical discipline, a) arithmetic as the ordinary use of numbers which we then oppose numbers in their “imaginary” or “complex” use, b) the metaphysical order of the One and the Multiple insofar as they border the transcendental mechanism on its two edges and distinguish themselves from it or are the matter on which it encroaches through its operation; 2) or more rigorously and beyond the transcendental, the Real as generic or forced to immanence. The real is then immanental, virtual and even futural qua before-the-first, affecting all instances that participate in radical immanence either directly (LI, Generic Subject) or indirectly (the particle, the ego for example). The virtual is not confounded with the imaginary in the previous sense and only uses one of its means with the generic alone. There is a forced or generic use of the imaginary and the philosophical virtual.

Re-quantization. The procedure of production of radical immanence through the “re-affirmation” or relaunching of the quantum variable now as the factor under-determining the unity of philosophy and the quantum. Characteristic of the generic matrix, re-quantization is not a doubling of transcendence, a philosophical doublet, but a superposition and therefore immanent, a phenomenon of the undulatory type with itself.

Slopes of Amplitude (Gradient and Front). The two faces, ascending and descending, of undulation. The rearward or ascending face, immanence insofar as it transcends or ascends, is the drive or gradient of amplitude, the élan-face through which the mountain or the ocean give birth to their own passivity. Its forward or descending face, transcendence insofar as it falls-into-immanence, is the front of amplitude, the terminal face of completion but not the closure of undulation. The immanent drive is inseparable from an angle of opening but does not yet make an undulation. What is manifested as the genuine face is what through which undulation faces forward and falls in-immanence. We must consider it in the immanence of the generic process (each side of undulation is either an arc of the simple circle – a quarter-turn – or the repetition of the quarter-turn) or as the constituents of the Last Instance, not in an exterior or physical image of soaring over which would in any case return to the corpuscle.

Stranger-Subject or meta-subject. In distinction with the Generic Subject or LI, the Stranger-Subject is the philosophical subject insofar as they are themselves seized in-the-last-instance as clone or immanent noema. Arranges the matrix or works under a double status that they gather through the unilateral complementarity as corpuscular or philosophical but already presupposed as particulate, therefore also as a symptom. The “meta-“ of the meta-subject is not a sign of domination, but subtracted from double transcendence or depotentialized.

Superposition. One of the two universal principles of QM (with non-commutativity having become its side the “Last Instance” and combining each other to give unilaterality), of an algebraic and specific origin of the undulatory style. Idempotent and linear addition of two undulatory phenomena that give one of the same time and belong to the same system. It is either constructive or destructive (the annulling of amplitudes, interference) of two concrete phenomena (wave-like [vagues] and waves [ondes] or abstract phenomena (complex numbers). Two waves added themselves are immanent within a third which is of the same nature, a wave. Here, we make this principle a phenomenal use as a principle of a thought through amplitudes and not objects. Superposition is then said of phenomena of undulatory yet lived essence. It is not the total or partial identification of two transcendent or corpuscular entities, not adding themselves like a complement to others to form a whole, nor like a supplement that will exceed a whole by subtracting itself from it (différance), but as one wave alone once each time (as interference). Therefore, superposition is a notion foreign to any philosophical thematic of position as the doublet of transcendence (pre-, super- or over-, auto- or self-, de-position), it is said of phenomena immanent to simple transcending. The generic formula “the unity of science and the subject (of philosophy) under science” is realized by methodically and ultimately using superposition. It is then the relaunching of an immanence that brings it to its radical, rather than absolute, form.

Transcendence. 1) Admitted as homogenous and general by philosophy, transcendence is realistically double or in a doublet, the structure of the most general repetition of philosophy and any such concept, the Ideal of philosophy that brings it to the absolute in opposition to ideal philosophies or systems; 2) as simple or reduced by radical immanence, transcendence necessarily accompanies immanence inseparably under two states: a) as simple and incomplete transcending of any immanence (forming with immanence a non-planar immanence or a flow), b) as complete or particulate transcendence but always simple (prolongs and completes immanence as a scientific plane of reference). In a philosophical object we will distinguish 1) the simple material transcendence that is inseparable from an ontic matter and becomes the particulate or noematic transcendence when undulation is complete and 2) formal or sufficient transcendence = X that doubles the material or expresses a counter-effect of philosophical attraction or doublet, this formal transcendence will be suspended on its side by the conditions of the Last Instance as generic.

Transcendental. The invariant worker, operator or principal agents of philosophies, their specific property that can after interpretation be retrieved as the combination of transcendence and immanence with experience. Transcendental  is a modality or a “degradation” of transcendence in a doublet or absolute transcendence and draws it towards a relation that is more or less finite and subjective to the empirical. The transcendental invariant is a secret mechanism or a spring of any philosophy that can be described through its Kantian but “broadened” model (without Kantian doctrinal content). Under this formalization, the transcendental remains fundamental (by explicit or reclaimed, implicit, rationalist, absolute-dialectical, phenomenological presence, or by defect structuring) of any thought presenting itself as philosophy. More completely, it is deployed a system of two doublets (empirico-transcendental and transcendental-real) in which philosophies come to distribute themselves. The transcendental is reduced immanentally towards a simple transcendence fallen in-immanence.

Undulation. Noted algebraically as -1. It is the macroscopic elementary object then microscopic whose GS pursues the particulate knowledge on the basis of the “imaginary” quarter-circle. Under this reduced and deduced form of the quarter, undulation is the morphological a priori of the wave-particle “correlation” (non-relation or unilation), or again semi-exstatic, semi-phenomenological or unifacial distance that gives the particle as a clone of the corpuscle.

Undulatory. 1) An adjective and sometimes the general name for what concerns the phenomena and thematic of waves, is then rather opposed to the corpuscle (individual or macroscopic bodies in which we include the concept and its varieties). In the passage from this classical or Newtonian physics to a quantum conception of the undulatory and the particle, the undulatory phenomenon then obeys new laws that we use for the lived experience (superposition and non-commutativity, the complex or imaginary number) and which are not the laws of corpuscles but particles. Here, undulatory is employed for the quantum interpretation of waves, and rarely for their macroscopic interpretation. 2) QM mathematically reabsorbs the wave/particle duality to the particle’s benefit. Rather, we give a certain privilege to the undulatory in general by evidently distinguishing it from the corpuscle and partially form the particle wherein it is the genetic form. Wave and particle are the “same” and/or “distinct,” the wave-particle and corpuscle too but this time to a near objective appearance. The undulatory is also particulate but not in the classical way, undulation is but the very form of the particle (not its matter) as if there was superposition and non-commutativity of the wave and the particle. The result is the unilateral duality of the undulatory “as” particulate. The wave is a phenomenon of radical immanence through superposition, the particle is the excess of “simple” but bifacial transcendence, complete without being closed, over the immanence that it is also. We therefore distinguish three modes of real and reality: 1) the incomplete undulatory or immanence and its simple transcending (noesis); 2) the complete or bifacial and particulate undulatory that is not closed (noema); 3) the corpuscle as closed double transcendence (object in-itself). This is a generic interpretation of the phenomenological formula of “transcendence in immanence.”

Unilateral Complementarity. The effective or concrete relationship of varying dualities of Generic Science [GS] issued from the primary duality wave/corpuscle. Its essence is the unilateral duality and not the dialectic or exclusion according to Bohr. However, we conserve the term complementarity as difficult to expel. Rather, the point is that of a sup-plementarity and a sub-plementarity, the particle being just like a corpuscle added to the wave and its radical immanence (supplementarity) that under-determines it (sub-plementarity).

Uni-laterality (unilaterality, unilateral duality, unilateral complementarity). The property of the One as One-in-One or radically immanent of a unifacial being, or given under a unique face of transcendence or uni-laterally (the wave-front within undulation). The fundamental principle of the first non-philosophy, it is here of a quantum origin (non-commutativity) and makes up a system with the use of another quantum principle, superposition. Inseparability by/within immanence or superposition of immanence and simple transcendence or transcendence fallen in-immanence.

Under- or sub- (sub-consistency, under-determination, sub-foundation, sub-subject). A very undetermined preposition in its philosophical uses. A general effect of generic forcing (the acting of non-acting) when it proceeds through quantum immanence (superposition) and not through philosophical or dialectical means that combine under- and over-potentialization. In relation to philosophical and mathematical sufficiency as a double transcendence, the under or sub is an effect of de-potentialization and not de-localization. Do not confuse the formulae “being under foundation” (that is, “in a regime of auto-foundation” like philosophy) that indicates a localization, and “being under-founded” that, to the contrary, indicates a certain dismemberment of auto-foundation. “Under quantum” signifies “in a quantum regime” of re-quantization but not directly the effect of the under-determination of transcendence.

Vector (Vectoriel). The geometrical model of the specifically vectoriel action, and no longer vectorial. Deprived of its dimensions of geometrical and philosophical transcendence, the vectoriel invariant changes action. The non-acting of the vectoriel quarter is an acting not at a distance, at its term or bifacial like the “phenomenological distance” of philosophies, but semi-exstatic or through distance itself, inseparable from its phase and evenly invested with the object. The vector changes use, submitted to a regime of quantum immanence that it contributes towards producing. The vector is no longer molecularized and/or totalized in transcendence. It is 1) a module-phase (or immanence-transcendence) machine of an inseparability, unilateral and not bilinear, other than break-flow (Deleuze); 2) the latter or minimal material component of the quarter-turn as amplitude of the lived of thought and not desiring-machines; 3) what produces through superposition the unifacial or non-commutable Last Instance rather than the body-without-organs. Vectoriel machines are not perceived as two-faced beings in a state of belonging in general or as “passive syntheses” like the module-phase when they cease being animated generically as unifacial or radically immanent machines.

Virtuality or Futurality. The “ontological” modality of the Real, therefore of the Last Instance, rather than calculation or the number, status rather than the statistical proportion of the Real to macroscopic reality. It is in amplitudes rather than in objects, in under-coming or under-current rather than in act and becoming, and contains an indetermination in relation to its actualization. We will speak of a “lived wave of virtuality” rather than, like the physicists, of probability. This is the non-mathematical “probability” that a written and configured conceptual particle takes on the form of unlocalizable lived trace in the plane of philosophical coordinates or trajectories (through horizontal and vertical transcendence, Being and One, etc.).

Wave Function. The formula or equation that combines the symbols of philosophical or real variables (One, Being, Other, Multiple, Entity, etc.), affected by the imaginary or complex number comprised geometrically as the quarter turn or quarter circle, and phenomenally as the unilateral duality. It designates the law of an undulatory process and not a “state,” this old expression is often preferred here to the mathematical “vector state.” The vectoriality of the vector itself is a process and not a simple object state of a mathematical operation.

translated by Jeremy R. Smith

taken from here

Foto: Sylvia John

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