There is a threat hanging over forms of life today. They groan under the oppression of an entire global apparatus of political decisions, economic practices, and techno-industrial constructions. And this disconcerting weight is properly speaking not even “hanging over” us, given that today, we have become the technical masters of a sky that we were unable to leave to the “angels and the sparrows.” No, it resides at the heart of a world that has turned the human being into a geological force that is entangled with the biosphere. Something like a climate turn2 appears to inflect cutting-edge contemporary thought towards a consideration of the unrecognized foundations of our historical situation.3 To the point that we would declare non-contemporary, that is to say:
sterile and sterilizing, any thought that theoretically reinforces the causes of the disaster by continuing the same motives of emancipation, the same political categories, the same philosophical concepts as those that will have lead us to the perhaps irreversible deterioration of forms of life.

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