Giorgi Vachnadze

Digitale Guillotine gefällig? Leitfaden zur Enteignung algokratischer Regime

Der ewige Vorrat an Wirklichkeit hat sich im Prozess der Digitalisierung ebenso erschöpft wie die Biosphäre der Erde im Zuge der kapitalistischen Verwertung der natürlichen Ressourcen. Dabei ist ökologische Nostalgie ebenso wenig aussichtsreich wie die Illusion einer vordigitalen Welt. Wir […]

Digitale Guillotine gefällig? Leitfaden zur Enteignung algokratischer Regime

Eschatology of AI: Artificial Revelations Between Enchantment and Enhancement

According to the prophecies of cyber-priests like Elon Musk, humanity is on the brink of collapse: artificial intelligence will take over the world and seal the end of our precious civilization. The salvation? Technological solutions from people like Elon Musk,

Eschatology of AI: Artificial Revelations Between Enchantment and Enhancement

Parasites, Symbiotes and Decoys: Remembering Baudrillard’s Contaminated Discourse

fírst published in: The parasite serves as a useful simulacrum for post-modernism. Post-modernity engages us with a kind of viral discourse, which seeks to comprehend an object without subsuming it under a system of concepts; without, that is, deploying

Parasites, Symbiotes and Decoys: Remembering Baudrillard’s Contaminated Discourse

Resistance, Accommodation and the Threat of A.I. Algocracy by John Danaher

In the article: ‘The Threat of Algocracy: Reality, Resistance and Accommodation’, John Danaher discusses the question of algorithmic governance. Algorithmic governance refers to an increasing algorithmization, that is, an increasing use of algorithms in solving administrative problems and modifying human

Resistance, Accommodation and the Threat of A.I. Algocracy by John Danaher

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