
High Frequency Trading and Ecotechnology

If one follows the theory of technical objects as developed by the French theorist Gilbert Simondon (Simondon 2012), and subsequently Frédéric Neyrat’s statements in the anthology The Technological Condition (Hörl 2011), it is necessary to fundamentally reconceptualize the already disturbed

High Frequency Trading and Ecotechnology

Speed Bomb: Accelerating Nowhere in Nothingness; or the Last Elegy for a Dying Species

“Because electronic literature is predicated on evolving technologies, the speed at which its many manifestations develop is always accelerating. From hypertext fiction, email novels, network fiction, generative art, and short fiction delivered serially to mobile devices to interactive fiction, virtual

Speed Bomb: Accelerating Nowhere in Nothingness; or the Last Elegy for a Dying Species

Dark Comedy: The Irony of the Banal; or, The Metamorphoschizolibidinal Machine

I’ve noted since 1986 that a good 65% of the people in metropolitan bus terminals between the hours of midnight and 6: 00 A.M. tend to qualify as Lynchian figures— flamboyantly unattractive, enfeebled, grotesque, freighted with a woe out of

Dark Comedy: The Irony of the Banal; or, The Metamorphoschizolibidinal Machine

Speculative Posthumanism: The Inhuman Core of Speculative Non-Metaphysics

In ancient times religion was a form of binding, obligation, and bond between the divine and human. After the Enlightenment this binding was severed, and irreligion cut the bonds or knots that held the human to its objective sense of

Speculative Posthumanism: The Inhuman Core of Speculative Non-Metaphysics

Capital theory with Deleuze/Guattari or the Anarchy of Machines – 50 years Anti-Ödipus

The flow of subjective labor and the flow of objective capital. At the moment, more precisely, in the passage of time (which has extended over longer historical periods) in which intrinsically contingent encounters (those of the flows of money-capital and

Capital theory with Deleuze/Guattari or the Anarchy of Machines – 50 years Anti-Ödipus

Integrated Circuits – Aberrant Forms: Scrolling TikTok with Jacques Lacan

The symbolic world is the world of the machine.4 Lacan’s assertion seems almostto destabilize the nature of psychoanalysis itself. What are we to make of this if, asLacan also claims, psychoanalysts are essentially, “practitioners of the symbolicfunction”?5 What is the

Integrated Circuits – Aberrant Forms: Scrolling TikTok with Jacques Lacan

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