
Félix Guattari & die “Molekulare Revolution”: Italien, Deutschland, Frankreich

1976 war das Baskenland unruhig – zumindest auf der spanischen Seite der Grenze, wo die baskische Separatistenbewegung ETA einen bewaffneten Kampf gegen die Madrider Machthaber führte. Félix Guattari träumte vom Aufbau einer Föderation regionaler Protestbewegungen, die Nebenfronten eröffnen und den […]

Félix Guattari & die “Molekulare Revolution”: Italien, Deutschland, Frankreich

Félix Guattari & The “Molecular Revolution”: Italy, Germany, France

In 1976, the Basque country was restless— certainly on the Spanish side of the border, where ETA,1 the Basque separatist movement, was engaged in an armed struggle against the powers of Madrid. Félix Guattari was dreaming of building a federation

Félix Guattari & The “Molecular Revolution”: Italy, Germany, France

Drive, Black Hole 2/10/1980

Original Source: Translated by Taylor Adkins 7/22/20 F : Freud’s first topographical theories were quite science-based, neurophysiological; then, along the way, these models become quasi-anthropomorphic; the second topographical theory—the ego that struggles with the id and the grimacing personage

Drive, Black Hole 2/10/1980

New Translation of Félix Guattari’s Seminar “Les Quatres Inconscients 13/01/1981”

Original source:  Translated by Taylor Adkins, 4/12/2020 Félix Guattari: I am always under a little pressure from M., who asks as frequently as possible for some examples. On the other hand, my concern would be to try to delve

New Translation of Félix Guattari’s Seminar “Les Quatres Inconscients 13/01/1981”

Introduction: Logos or Abstract Machines? (part 2)

If it is true chat abstract machines arise neither from the subject-object phenomenological couple, nor the set-subset logical couple, and consequently escape from the semiological triangle denotation representation-signification, then how do we conceive the possibility of saying anything about them?

Introduction: Logos or Abstract Machines? (part 2)

Pragmatic/Machinic: Discussion with Félix Guattari [by Charles J. Stivale]

taken from Blackout The following discussion with Félix Guattari took place in his apartment in Paris. With the help of a number of friends, I had prepared a set of questions, and had contacted him to see if he might

Pragmatic/Machinic: Discussion with Félix Guattari [by Charles J. Stivale]

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