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The Breakdown of Capitalist Realism

In this intervention, I reflect on Mark Fisher’s Capitalist Realism as a work better known for its title, as a phrase or slogan, than for the substance of the book. While indicative of the success of Fisher’s diagnosis, one borne…

Chile, Tag 57

Demonstration am 57. Tag des Aufstandes in Chile. Eine Aktivistin, die an dem Tag dabei war, berichtet aus Santiago: “Am 13.12., dem 57. Tag des Aufstands, waren wieder hunderttausende auf der Plaza de la Dignidad, dem Platz der Würde, wie die…

Marx`Theory of value (3)

general value form In order to obtain the general value form from the unfolded value form, only the simple operation of reversal is required, which implies that we are dealing virtually with a simultaneous second and third value form. Now…

Marx`Theory of Value (2)

simple and unfolded value form On the one hand, we take a look at the so-called capital-logical reading (which has been widely discussed since the 1968 student movement, especially in Germany, based on Hans-Georg Backhaus as an analysis of value…

Marx’s Theory of Value (1)

The problem of the value form Within the framework of value form analysis, Marx is not concerned with analyzing the exchange relationships of goods, whether as historical or logical, or as historical-logical forms of exchange, since capitalist exchange relationships with…

Streik. Riot. Agonie. Zur aktuellen Situation in Frankreich.

Es schien alles so schön anzufangen und die Herzen der Freunde der traditionellen Formen des Klassenkampfes schlugen schon höher. Am 5. Dezember versammelten sich in Frankreich landesweit um die 1 Million Menschen zu Demonstrationen (1) gegen die geplanten „Reformen“ bei…

These nights are for Alexis – Ein anderer 6. Dezember in Athen

Der diesjährige Jahrestag der Ermordung von Alexis verlief in Athen in vielerlei Hinsicht anders als in den letzten Jahren, was sowohl am politischen Kontext als auch an neuer taktischer Feinjustierung der antagonistischen Splitter lag. Seit dem Regierungsantritt der neuen rechten…

Abschied von Thunberg

Die Klimabewegung muss künftig über das Verhältnis zum Kapitalismus reden, um nicht in das System integriert zu werden Nun wurde auch Greta Thunberg zur Person des Jahres gekürt. Das ist vielleicht eine gute Nachricht für die globale Klimabewegung. Aber in…

Making America great again

Can Trump reverse or even dent this long-term evisceration of “America”? The short answer is no. So far, his policies have only hastened this evisceration, accelerating the upward redistribution of income and amplifying the de-Americanization of U.S. corporations. During his…

How to Spot an Analog Philosopher

How to spot an analog philosopher? First look at his attachments… What does he love the most? Analog philosophers value life and vitality, and thus have a special affection for nature. They talk about energy and aliveness, but also the…

What is determination in the last instance? (20 points)

1) For Laruelle, philosophy always revolves around dualities or differences, being – other, theory – practice, ontic-ontological, etc. 2) Laruelle leaves this terrain to fully invest his thinking power in the solutions of the One’s problem, or more precisely to…

Ultrablack of Music – Book & Compilation (Out NOW on Mille Plateaux/Non)

you can order book here book and Compilation you can order here Foreword – Dark Precursions. Technocultures, Inhuman Rhythmights and the Ultra-Black of Non-Music Jan Heintz “Thunderbolts explode between different intensities, but they are preceded by an invisible, imperceptible dark…

On the question of real estate Speculation (1)

Today, on the one hand, we are seeing rising rents and the infamous gentrification, vertical housing construction and expensive condominiums in the centres of large cities, monstrous large-scale projects and massive urbanization processes in the emerging countries and peripheries, and…

Fatigue with the world, or the political power of exhaustion

Andrés Abril – Lobo suelto! (17/10/2019) Things among things, the Bloom holds itself outside of everything in a forsaking identical to that of our universe. It is alone in all company and naked at all events. It is there that…

December 5th: National Day Of Solidarity With The Squats

December 5th: National day of solidarity with the squats Call for participation in the solidarity demonstrations in Athens, Thessaloniki and Patra Against state repression…NO STEP BACK! Since last August, the repressive campaign of the state against the anarchist movement, the…

Remarks on “How Noise Matters to Finance”

In his book How Noise Matters to Finance, which is well worth reading, Knouf points first and foremost to traditional ideas about the stock market, such as the control of the market by the famous invisible hand, the dreams of…


Cue the TERF wars. The coming responses to Andrea Long Chu’s book Females — there will be many so get ready — are so predictable they practically write themselves. Some will most certainly object to Chu defining female via the…

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