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Auto automata: a commentary drift1

*halo effect: …every day our society seems to be getting deeper and deeper into anomie and further away from autonomy … we tried to look at the situation in society and culture and look for signs towards a possible way…

Tag (((i))) in Leipzig

Demonstration gegen das Verbot der linken Plattform Indymedia-Linksunten und für Pressefreiheit in Leipzig Für Bild und Co. war es nur wieder einmal eine Randale im Leipziger Szeneviertel Connewitz, die am 25. Januar stattgefunden hat. Nicht nur das Boulevardblatt hatte lediglich…

Climate Change and Migration in the Kinocene

In this intervention, I put forward  five short theses on the topic of  ‘ Anthropocene mobilities. ’  My aim is not to unpack every concept con-tained herein but rather to provide a provocative introductory synthesis of  five big ideas about…

Klimakrise und Fossiles Kapital

Im Jahr 2012 lagen die globalen CO2 Emissionen um 58% höher als im Jahr 1990. Dies hatte unter anderem zur Folge, dass die Wirbelstürme aufgrund höherer Temperaturen in den Einzugsgebieten von Ozeanen stärker wurden und die arktischen Ökosysteme eine Reihe…

25 Theses at time (of capital)

1) Economic quantities can be changed in time precisely because money, as a so-called transcendental signifier of capital, has the quality of a pure quantity, whereby money is released from current acts of exchange and thus, as a monetary sign,…

Trump und Thunberg – zwei Gesichter des Kapitalismus

Die Inszenierung in Davos zeigte, wie in Zeiten des Ökologismus radikale Kritik und Opposition gegen die herrschenden Verhältnisse marginalisiert wird. Wie werden die linken Klimaaktivisten darauf reagieren? Jahrelang sorgte das Welt-Economic-Forum in Davos für wenig Interesse. Das änderte sich im…

Bichler/Nitzans “Capital of Power”

At first glance, it seems that Deleuze’s concept of structure involves a complex form of the so-called creorder, a term that appears at the forefront of the methodological findings of the economists Bichler/Nitzan. (Cf. Bichler/Nitzan 2009) If the structure is…

Metadata as a Problem for Thinking

I should have said this before, but the word itself is a monstrosity. Whosoever would attach a Greek prefix to a Latin root should be driven out of the city, egads. But let’s overlook this superficial fact, at least for…

Kunst und Dervivat. Die Performance des Neuen

Vortrag, gehalten an der HBK Saar Kurze Einführung zum spekulativen Kapital. Wann immer ein professioneller Trader einen Trade beginnt, so versucht er, die involvierten Risiken zu bewerten. Prinzipiell kann man heute drei Strategien des derivativen Handels unterscheiden: Arbitrage, Hedging und…

Metadata = Data

In thinking about the problem of metadata, I was reminded of an old discussion — addressed already in Protocol but worth repeating — easily summed up by the expression “metadata = data.” What I mean by this formulation is that no media-infrastructural…

Only us: Ecology-against-the-State

“We, and no one else.” – There is an overwhelming scene in Todd Haynes’ latest film, Dark Waters (2019), which shows how toxic chemicals used in the production of Teflon were spilled into the Ohio River. The lawyer, who went…

Marx and the ecstatic labor force

Quite in contrast to mechanics, which defines the concept of force as the result of mutually canceling forces in their relationship to each other, Marx also seems to have always been intent, in his critique of political economy, on breaking…

codes of Concrete Spirit

14:15 Compressions and fusions in cross-cultural dialogue simulates desert and jungle at the same time. [Preface] x “When she finally crawled into bed she felt the presence of the featureless black box in the room, emanating waves of anticipative anxiety.”…

La rue ou rien – Über die jüngsten Entwicklungen in Frankreich

Die Kämpfe in Frankreich gegen die „Reform der Rentenversicherung“ treten in eine entscheidende Phase. Zwar ist es nicht gelungen, die Arbeitsniederlegungen auszuweiten, der Traum vom „großen Streik“, der allgegenwärtige linke Wunsch nach einem Generalstreik, ja nach einem grundsätzlichen Umsturz sind…

Adorno and Laruelle: The non-identical and the real

Adorno speaks of the “non-identical being the own identity of the thing against its identifications” (Adorno, Negative Dialectic: 164). The cognition of the non-identical identifies differently from the identifying thinking, it emphasizes to say what something is, while the identifying…

Global Governance

It is easy to see today that in the course of implementing neo-liberal strategies, the state is being increasingly restricted in its function as the guarantor of social peace and compromise between the classes, while the various modes of operation…

Winter is Coming: Chile

Seit Oktober 2019 halten heftige Unruhen Chile in Atem. Die Proteste richten sich gegen das neoliberale System, welches unter dem Pinochet Regime vor mehr als 30 Jahren eingeführt wurde. Wir hatten die Gelegenheit, mit Paulo aus Santiago de Chile zu…

The Climate-Migration- Industrial Complex

Thirty years ago there were fifteen border walls around the world. Now there are seventy walls and over one billion national and international migrants. International migrants alone may even double in the next forty years due to global warming. It…

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