
Capitalism, flows, the decoding of flows, capitalism and schizophrenia, psychoanalysis, Spinoza.

Gilles Deleuze Capitalism, flows, the decoding of flows, capitalism and schizophrenia, psychoanalysis, Spinoza. What is it that moves over the body of a society? It is always flows, and a person is always a cutting off [coupure] of a flow. […]

Capitalism, flows, the decoding of flows, capitalism and schizophrenia, psychoanalysis, Spinoza.


NEGATION OF NEGATION vs AFFIRMATION In Difference and Repetitioni, particularly in sections written on negativity, Deleuze, discussing the distinction between “being and non-being” and “being and non-being” rejects the consideration of the latter under the aegis of Hegelian dialectics. He


From a Philosophically Clean-Shaven Marx to a Philosophically Decolonized Deleuze

[This is a really rough outline/introductory sketch for the third chapter of my dissertation, which takes up the relationship between the persisting residual eurocentrism in specific interpretations of D&G’s political project, and how D&G themselves constructed a framework by which

From a Philosophically Clean-Shaven Marx to a Philosophically Decolonized Deleuze

Returning to Revolution: Deleuze, Guattari, and Zapatismo

We are witnessing today the return of a new theory and practice of revolution. This return, however, takes none of the traditional forms:the capture of the state, the political representation of the party, the centrality of the proletariat, or the leadership

Returning to Revolution: Deleuze, Guattari, and Zapatismo

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