
Capital and Time. For a New Critique of Neoliberal Reason

  Introduction: Beyond the Critique of Speculation This introductory chapter discusses the shortcomings of the heterodox critique of financial speculation as an irrational divergence from real values. It argues that the capitalist subject speculates not in defiance of fundamental values

Capital and Time. For a New Critique of Neoliberal Reason

A Critique of the Critique of Finance: Critics of neoliberal capitalism rarely recognize the productive power of speculation

If there is one theme that unites the various critiques of contemporary finance, it is the emphasis on its speculative character. Financial growth is said to be driven not by the logic of efficient markets, but rather by irrational sentiment,

A Critique of the Critique of Finance: Critics of neoliberal capitalism rarely recognize the productive power of speculation

Marx 200: Wie der Marxismus heute Das Kapital zu lesen und wie er die aktuellen Kapitalverhältnisse zu analysieren hat.

Schon für Marx besteht eine wichtige Konsequenz bezüglich der Extraktion des Mehrwerts in der Warenproduktion darin, dass der Mehrwert in das transformiert wird, was wir heute ein Asset bzw. einen Vermögenswert nennen. Das Asset ist in diesem Zusammenhang ein Mittel,

Marx 200: Wie der Marxismus heute Das Kapital zu lesen und wie er die aktuellen Kapitalverhältnisse zu analysieren hat.

Aktienmärkte, Derivate und Shareholder-Value

Bei den aktuellen Kurseinbrüchen an den Börsen weltweit handelt es sich wohl (noch) um technische Korrekturen. Die veranlassenden Faktoren werden in der Zinspolitik der FED, in den manipulativen Trading-Praktiken der institutionellen Investoren oder in den Black-Boxes des algorithmischen Tradings ausgemacht.

Aktienmärkte, Derivate und Shareholder-Value

The Time of the Contract: Insurance, Contingency and the Arrangement of Risk

Extract: This essay contends that the contractual is a technique for the reinstatement of a specifically capitalist determinism in the midst of uncertain circumstances and in the face of an indefinite future. Taking the indistinction between the time of life

The Time of the Contract: Insurance, Contingency and the Arrangement of Risk

The Crypt of Art, the Decryption of Money, the Encrypted Common and the Problem with Cryptocurrencies

 As I have argued in the first Moneylab Reader, money is a medium of the imagination. While it is often presumed to be a banal and basic substance marked by its fungibility, ease of use, widespread acceptance and legal status,

The Crypt of Art, the Decryption of Money, the Encrypted Common and the Problem with Cryptocurrencies

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