
Fossiles Kapital (2)

Andreas Malm übersetzt die Marx`sche These von der steigenden organischen Zusammensetzung des Kapitals (die Rate zwischen toter und lebendiger Arbeit) in eine ansteigende fossile Zusammensetzung des Kapitals. Über eine längere Zeitperiode hinweg lässt sich die Tendenz das Kapitals, den Anteil

Fossiles Kapital (2)

Something in the Air and On the Road: Carbon Emission and Our Nation’s Largest Source of CO2

When talking about the environment and climate change, the conversation will inevitably turn to carbon. Often tossed into that discussion are things like emissions or your carbon footprint. But what do these terms really mean? Not just for us, but

Something in the Air and On the Road: Carbon Emission and Our Nation’s Largest Source of CO2

Cheap Food and Bad Climate: From Surplus Value to Negative Value in the Capitalist World-Ecology

ABSTRACT Capitalism, understood as a world-ecology that joins accumulation, power, and nature in dialectical unity, has been adept at evading so-called Malthusian dynamics through an astonishing historical capacity to produce, locate, and occupy cheap natures external to the system. In

Cheap Food and Bad Climate: From Surplus Value to Negative Value in the Capitalist World-Ecology

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