
Tomorrow Was Shahrivar 1401: Notes on the Iranian Uprisings

Iman Ganji and Jose Rosales . On September 13, Zhina (Mahsa) Amini,1 a twenty-two-year-old Kurdish woman, was arrested and detained by the Iranian “morality police”2 while visiting Tehran with her family from Saqqez (in Iran’s Kurdistan Province). Her charge: allegedly violating the law

Tomorrow Was Shahrivar 1401: Notes on the Iranian Uprisings

The main losers of 1979, the creators of the new revolution in Iran

By Elham Hoominfar. This article was first published here. Recently in Iran’s largest city, Tehran, Mahsa Amini, a twenty-two-year-old Kurdish woman, was arrested by Iran’s “morality police” for allegedly wearing her government-mandated hijab inappropriately. She was beaten, and three days later,

The main losers of 1979, the creators of the new revolution in Iran

Iranian unions, syndicates and protest organizing committees all support the Iranian liberation movement

Free Union of Iranian Workers Mahsa’s murder sparked public anger across the country on Friday evening. Those who gathered in front of the hospital were stopped by the security forces. The Iranian regime, which is hostile to women and freedom,

Iranian unions, syndicates and protest organizing committees all support the Iranian liberation movement

Das Schweigen brechen: Aufruf zur Solidarität mit den erneuten Massenprotesten in Khuzestan

Ursprünglich veröffentlicht von End of Road. Geschrieben von kollektiv aus Bremen. Bild oben: Federation of Anarchism Era, Poster in der Provinz Fars „Khuzestan ist nicht allein“ Die Proteste finden vor allem nahe der irakischen Grenze statt, in der Provinz Khuzestan, deren Süden überwiegend von

Das Schweigen brechen: Aufruf zur Solidarität mit den erneuten Massenprotesten in Khuzestan

Iran: “There Is an Infinite Amount of Hope… but Not for Us”

An Interview Discussing the Pandemic, Economic Crisis, Repression, and Resistance in Iran All around the world, as the compromises that stabilized capitalism through the 20th century collapse, people are facing increasingly authoritarian measures from governments of all stripes. In this

Iran: “There Is an Infinite Amount of Hope… but Not for Us”

Die soziale Revolte im Iran – “Brot, Arbeit, Freiheit” / “Nan, kar, âzadi”

Die landesweiten Unruhen im November im Iran, bei denen über 300 Menschen vom Regime ermordet wurden, fanden (vielleicht etwas überraschend) in den deutschen Medien nur wenig medialen Widerhall. Aus meiner Sicht gibt es dafür zwei Ursachen zu benennen. Da wäre

Die soziale Revolte im Iran – “Brot, Arbeit, Freiheit” / “Nan, kar, âzadi”

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