
“You can’t evict a movement.” A review of Krystian Woznicki’s book “Undeclared Movements”

Berlin, New Year’s Eve 2020-21. Long before midnight, police helicopters are circling over Kreuzberg, Neukölln and Mitte, creating a subtle but hard-to-ignore security surround that conflates pandemic containment and urban counterinsurgency on an affective level. [1] The Senate Administration has […]

“You can’t evict a movement.” A review of Krystian Woznicki’s book “Undeclared Movements”

Transcending the nation: a communist strategy in the era ofglobalization. A reply to Velissariou

ABSTRACT Neoliberalism and austerity are not ‘false policies’, but strategies of increasing profits by reducing labor and welfare costs. In the process of dismantling labor rights and the welfare state, a part of the population is being marginalized. It becomes

Transcending the nation: a communist strategy in the era ofglobalization. A reply to Velissariou

Multirassismus in der Bürgerfabrik und Imperialismus

“Der moderne Flüchtling vereint alle Stigmata des kapitalistischen Systems in sich: auf unbestimmte Zeit zur Heimatlosigkeit verdammt, von der eigentlich alle geschlagen sind, weil die Welt eine unwirtliche wurde, in der niemand willkommen ist; rechtlos, weil Recht allen nur provisorisch

Multirassismus in der Bürgerfabrik und Imperialismus

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