
«Does Social Democracy Hold Up Half the Sky? The Decline of PASOK and the Rise of SYRIZA in Greece»

After the outbreak of the global economic crisis in 2008, Greece was the first Euro-area country where the neoliberal ‘shock doctrine’ was imposed. This was an attempt to place all the fallout of the systemic capitalist crisis on the shoulders

«Does Social Democracy Hold Up Half the Sky? The Decline of PASOK and the Rise of SYRIZA in Greece»

Joshua Clovers “Riot.Strike.Riot”: Theorie und Praxis der kollektiven Aktion

Joshua Clovers Theorie des Aufstands ist der eindrucksvolle Versuch einer marxistischen Erklärung der politischen und sozio-ökonomischen Bedingungen, die immer wieder zu Kämpfen führen, wobei von vornherein zu bedenken ist, dass sie nur die voll entwickelten Industrienationen berücksichtigt, im besonderen die

Joshua Clovers “Riot.Strike.Riot”: Theorie und Praxis der kollektiven Aktion

Insurrectionary Foucault: Tiqqun, The Coming Insurrection, and Beyond

Some might want to dismiss The Coming Insurrection as a vulgar or extreme interpretation of Foucault, warped for highly politicized purposes. This paper challenges that position. In particular, through clarifying the theoretical influences of  The Coming Insurrection, I challenge the current reception

Insurrectionary Foucault: Tiqqun, The Coming Insurrection, and Beyond

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