
A Method to the Madness: The Revolutionary Marxist Method of Deleuze and Guattari

taken from Stasis Abstract In this article, Andrew Culp looks to how Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari flip Marxism on its head. He makes the case by drawing on Marx’s own distinction between the dialectical mode of presentation and research-based

A Method to the Madness: The Revolutionary Marxist Method of Deleuze and Guattari

Cheap Food and Bad Climate: From Surplus Value to Negative Value in the Capitalist World-Ecology

ABSTRACT Capitalism, understood as a world-ecology that joins accumulation, power, and nature in dialectical unity, has been adept at evading so-called Malthusian dynamics through an astonishing historical capacity to produce, locate, and occupy cheap natures external to the system. In

Cheap Food and Bad Climate: From Surplus Value to Negative Value in the Capitalist World-Ecology

Perfect Machines: Artificial Intelligence and the Labour Theory of Value

Paper presented at “Marx’s Critique of Political Economy and the Global Crisis Today. On the 150th Anniversary of the Publication of Capital”, Hofstra University, April 6-7, 2017. “Someone once said that it is easier to imagine the end of the

Perfect Machines: Artificial Intelligence and the Labour Theory of Value

Zum Kapitalbegriff bei Peter Streckeisen: Soziologische Kapitaltheorie. Marx, Bourdieu und der ökonomische Imperialismus

Der Schweizer Soziologe Peter Streckeisen will „das Marx’sche Hauptwerk mit soziologischer Brille so neu lesen, dass es zur Inspirationsquelle einer Kritik an den üblichen Kapitalbegriffen sowie der konzeptuellen Schärfung und Weiterentwicklung soziologischer Kapitaltheorie werden kann“. (S. 14) Nachdem er vier

Zum Kapitalbegriff bei Peter Streckeisen: Soziologische Kapitaltheorie. Marx, Bourdieu und der ökonomische Imperialismus

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