
Das spekulative Kapital (2)

LiPuma untersucht in einem weiteren Abschnitt die verschiedenen Institutionen des spekulativen Kapitals. Der erste Bereich sind Geschäfts- und Investmentbanken, die an den Derivatmärkten spekulieren. Diese Unternehmen besitzen interne Hedgefonds, die mit dem firmeneigenen Kapital spekulieren, das heißt mit dem Kapital […]

Das spekulative Kapital (2)

Elements for a cartography of belonging to a group

The essay we (autonomies) share below is by the brazilian philosopher Peter Pál Pelbart. (In the absence of the original portuguese language version, our translation relies upon a spanish language translation published by lobo suelto!) The exercise undertaken is difficult

Elements for a cartography of belonging to a group

Digital labour, species-becoming and the global worker

This paper places digital labour in the context of recently revived interest in the young Marx’s concept of ‘species-being’ (Gatungswesen). Cryptically and fragmentarily announced in the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, but largely abandoned in Marx’s later work, the

Digital labour, species-becoming and the global worker

Politicising Deleuzian Thought, or, Minority’s Position within Marxism

The difference between the two points of view will thus be all the more pronounced. The Marxist notion of the proletariat entails a triple consideration: its position within the structure of production, determined at minimum by its dispossession of the

Politicising Deleuzian Thought, or, Minority’s Position within Marxism

Demystifying Finance: How to understand financialization and think of strategies for a good society

Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos John Milios & Spyros Lapatsioras Introduction In a recent special report of the Economist on financial risk it was argued that “the idea that markets can be left to police themselves turned out to be the world’s

Demystifying Finance: How to understand financialization and think of strategies for a good society

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