
Automation. Zu Jason E. Smiths “Smart Machines and Service Work” (4)

Im Gegensatz zu Smith halten wir den Finanzsektor in der Folge des griechischen Ökonomen John Milios für einen produktiven Sektor. Eine Zwischenposition nimmt Tony Norfield in seinem Buch The City ein, in dem er aufzeigt, dass kapitalistische Unternehmen sui generis […]

Automation. Zu Jason E. Smiths “Smart Machines and Service Work” (4)

Automation. Zu Jason E. Smiths “Smart Machines and Service Work” (3)

Im nächsten Kapitel bezieht sich Smith ausführlich auf den Ökonomen William Baumol, der davon ausgeht, dass die entwickelten industriellen Länder in zwei wichtige ökonomische Sektoren geteilt sind, nämlich in den technologisch progressiven Sektor, dessen Produktionsprozesse Innovationen, hohe Akkumulationsraten und large-scale

Automation. Zu Jason E. Smiths “Smart Machines and Service Work” (3)

Commodity Fetishism vs. Capital Fetishism. Marx’s Reflections and Marxist Interpretations

… In this context, financial risk is calculated on the basis of particular fetishistic representations of the events and outcomes of class struggle. Risk is the way capitalist agents perceive the future from an ideological point of view. Risk is

Commodity Fetishism vs. Capital Fetishism. Marx’s Reflections and Marxist Interpretations

The Financial Capital – State Nexus

The interconnection or linking of government and financial capital is written now in academic literature today as the operational-organisational state-financial nexus. (Cf. Malik 2014) This state-financial nexus (the state’s management of the economy by ministries of finance, central banks, informal

The Financial Capital – State Nexus

Marx After Growth #3 The History of Accumulation

The History of Accumulation In the previous lecture on what’s been called the ‘esoteric’ Marx, I explored a subterranean current of Marxian thought distinct from the ‘exoteric’ Marx of the workers’ movement. This ‘esoteric’ Marxism, sometimes called value-form theory, finds

Marx After Growth #3 The History of Accumulation

Joshua Clover: RIOT. STRIKE. RIOT

you can order the book here: Published by Galerie der Abseitigen Künste und NON.Derivate Herausgegeben von Karl-Heinz Dellwo / Achim Szepanski Übersetzung: Richard Bachmann, Dennis Büscher-Ulbrich, Jan Heintz Übersetzungslektorat: J. Paul Weiler Erscheint: Januar 2021 Jahrhunderte lang waren die

Joshua Clover: RIOT. STRIKE. RIOT

What Do Economists Mean When They Talk About ‘Capital Accumulation’?

THE MISMATCH THESIS: What do economists mean when they talk about “capital accumulation”? Surprisingly, the answer to this question is anything but clear, and it seems the most unclear in times of turmoil. Consider the “financial crisis” of the late

What Do Economists Mean When They Talk About ‘Capital Accumulation’?

Financialization:Market Discipline or Capital Discipline?

John Milios/ Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos A crucial aspect of nearly all contemporary approaches to imperialism is the idea that the domination of neoliberalism and of the globalized financial sector of the economy produces a predatory version of capitalism, a capitalism

Financialization:Market Discipline or Capital Discipline?

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