
LARUELLE AND DELEUZE: from difference to multiplicity

CONTEXT We are living through a very interesting period in the realm of Continental Philosophy, containing aspects of continuing progress and of intellectual regression. The regression proclaims itself to be a decisive progress beyond the merely negative and critical philosophies […]

LARUELLE AND DELEUZE: from difference to multiplicity

Marxism as Anti-Philosophy: An Interview with Dario Cankovic

Dario Cankovic is an unhyphenated Marxist without adjectives, a doctoral student in philosophy at the University of Western Ontario working on the history of analytic philosophy (specifically the Marxist origins of and influences on the Vienna Circle), with a deep

Marxism as Anti-Philosophy: An Interview with Dario Cankovic

Wie sich alles „erhellt“ und „erhält“. Von der Musik der tausend Plateaus oder ihrem Bau

(Dieser Essay erschien in: Marcus S. Kleiner/Achim Szepanski : Soundcultures: Über digitale und elektronische Musik. Frankfurt/M. 2003, Suhrkamp Verlag.) „Ich habe den Bau eingerichtet und er scheint wohlgelungen. Von außen ist eigentlich nur ein großes Loch sichtbar, dieses führt aber

Wie sich alles „erhellt“ und „erhält“. Von der Musik der tausend Plateaus oder ihrem Bau

Stichworte zu Alexander Galloways “Laruelle. Against The Digital”

14 Thesen von Alexander Galloway gemäß Laruelle: 1) Das mediale Prinzip: Das Reale ist kommunizierbar, und das Kommunizierbare ist real. 2) Für das Standard-Modell der Philosophie ist alles, was gegeben ist, gespalten. 3) In der Non-Standard-Philosophie ist das Eine eine

Stichworte zu Alexander Galloways “Laruelle. Against The Digital”

GUATTARI “LINES OF FLIGHT”: the hypothesis of modes of semiotisation (1 & 2)

Liveblogging reading Felix Guattari’s book LINES OF FLIGHT, translated by Andrew Goffey. The unconscious, for Guattari, is “structured” like a multiplicity of modes of semiotisation. This hypothesis contains in germ Bruno Latour ‘s multiple modes of existence, which are also

GUATTARI “LINES OF FLIGHT”: the hypothesis of modes of semiotisation (1 & 2)

Afro-pessimism as Aesthetic Blackness? [Putting the Pessimism in Afro-Pessimism]

On the occasion of Achille Mbembe’s new preface to the African reprint of On the Postcolony by Wits University Press. Mbembe: Critique is witnessing as well as endless vigilance, interrogation and anticipation. A proper ­critique requires us first to dwell

Afro-pessimism as Aesthetic Blackness? [Putting the Pessimism in Afro-Pessimism]

A sequence of non-musicological praxis corresponding to phases of Non-musicology:

A sequence of non-musicological praxis corresponding to phases of Non-musicology: Marked by a rebellious apprenticeship in experimental music, the first period of non-musicological praxis is not thoroughly non-musical. Throughout Musicology ?, terribly uncreative secondary works of experimental music were composed.

A sequence of non-musicological praxis corresponding to phases of Non-musicology:

On The Radical Left and National Liberation

The usual accusation made against Israel or Zionism is that this state was founded where other people were already living. But the founding acts of all hitherto existing polities were never acts of justice, but rather always acts of violence.

On The Radical Left and National Liberation

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