
Bemerkungen zu “How Noise Matters to Finance”

Nicholas A. Knouf weist in seinem lesenswerten Buch How Noise Matters to Finance zuallererst auf die traditionellen Vorstellungen über den Aktienmarkt hin, man denke an die Steuerung des Marktes durch die berühmte unsichtbare Hand, an die Träume vom Gleichgewicht, Transparenz,

Bemerkungen zu “How Noise Matters to Finance”

Locating the Alt-Right: Nick Land’s Romantic Irrationalism as Critical Delirium

As the nascent rise of a populist right in Western Europe and North America has made clear, left-leaning politics have been unable to channel the anti-establishment impulses of the most socio-economically marginalized into a sort of grounded (yet, importantly, non-totalizing)

Locating the Alt-Right: Nick Land’s Romantic Irrationalism as Critical Delirium

Acceleration, Revolution and Money in Deleuze and Guattari’s Anti-Oedipus

The essay moves from the conceptual place where the “philosophical plane faces the chaos” (Deleuze-Guattari/1991).  From a deep distance trapped in the past and the discretion of the dawn, a different thought and a different culture (re)emerge. The book presents

Acceleration, Revolution and Money in Deleuze and Guattari’s Anti-Oedipus


Arthur Kroker: BORN AGAIN IDEOLOGY Religion, Technology, and Terrorism

…Covenant technology? That’s the fusion of covenant theology and the will to technology as the essence of the American Republic, from its religious origins to its technocratic future. Here we are in the presence of a momentous alliance of two

Arthur Kroker: BORN AGAIN IDEOLOGY Religion, Technology, and Terrorism

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