
Pragmatic/Machinic: Discussion with Félix Guattari [by Charles J. Stivale]

taken from Blackout The following discussion with Félix Guattari took place in his apartment in Paris. With the help of a number of friends, I had prepared a set of questions, and had contacted him to see if he might […]

Pragmatic/Machinic: Discussion with Félix Guattari [by Charles J. Stivale]

‘June, 1972 & A chief who does not command:’ Clastres/Deleuze/Guattari

(part I of an on going research project on political anthropology, D&G, Clastres, etc.) “Primitive society has always been considered a place of absolute difference in relation to western society, a strange and unthinkable space of absence – absence of

‘June, 1972 & A chief who does not command:’ Clastres/Deleuze/Guattari

So ist die Demokratie das Wesen aller Staatsverfassung (Karl Marx)

Auch in dieser Frage machte Marx keinerlei Zugeständnisse. Und es waren Deleuze/Guattari, die aufgrund vielfältiger historischer Erfahrungen, von denen Marx nichts wissen konnte, ins gleiche Horn bliesen und dessen Ansatz noch verschärften. Deleuze und Guattari verhöhnen geradezu die Demokratie, die

So ist die Demokratie das Wesen aller Staatsverfassung (Karl Marx)

Elements for a cartography of belonging to a group

The essay we (autonomies) share below is by the brazilian philosopher Peter Pál Pelbart. (In the absence of the original portuguese language version, our translation relies upon a spanish language translation published by lobo suelto!) The exercise undertaken is difficult

Elements for a cartography of belonging to a group

“This world of wild production and explosive desire” – The Unconscious and the Future in Felix Guattari

… In the context of science fiction studies Guattari’s interest in Cyberpunkoffers an alternative to Frederic Jameson’s dismissal of the genre as failing to offer anything more than an uncritical celebration of late-capitalism’s technological ubiquity. In fact Guattari offers hisown

“This world of wild production and explosive desire” – The Unconscious and the Future in Felix Guattari

Politicising Deleuzian Thought, or, Minority’s Position within Marxism

The difference between the two points of view will thus be all the more pronounced. The Marxist notion of the proletariat entails a triple consideration: its position within the structure of production, determined at minimum by its dispossession of the

Politicising Deleuzian Thought, or, Minority’s Position within Marxism

Deleuze/Guattari und der Schizo-Attraktor (Ultrablack of Music 1)

Für Gilles Deleuze befindet sich die Kunst in einer ständigen Spannung, insofern sie zwischen den Polen Chaos und Ordnung oszilliert und ständig zu schizophrenen Aktualisierungen kommen muss, wenn sie aus der Triangulation ausbrechen will. Diese negentropische Metastabilität nimmt bei Deleuze

Deleuze/Guattari und der Schizo-Attraktor (Ultrablack of Music 1)

The Hedonistic Imperative: The Seduction of Hypercapitalism

The unlikely parable that Xenophon relates  between Socrates and their mutual friend Aristippus of Cyrene serves as a lead in to the subject of this post. Socrates had observed his friend Aristippus for some time and felt that the young

The Hedonistic Imperative: The Seduction of Hypercapitalism

Deleuze/Guattari und die Quanten-Finance

Deleuze/Guattari fordern uns dazu auf, mindestens drei Denk-Modelle auf die theoretische Analyse der Ökonomie anzuwenden, indem sie selbst das Bild der Strömung, das ihrerAnsicht zufolge jedes Modell artikuliert, nachzeichnen. Erst das dritte, das molekular-performative Modell setzt die Kraft-des-Denkens richtig in

Deleuze/Guattari und die Quanten-Finance

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