
Edmund Berger: On Art and Revolutionary Transformation in the Age of Blockchain – Part 1

…measured against the conditions of the present, communism itself embodies the most alien of all possible futures. —Edmund Berger Edmund Berger author of Uncertain Futures: An Assessment of the Conditions of the Present (see my review) has for years done his

Edmund Berger: On Art and Revolutionary Transformation in the Age of Blockchain – Part 1

The Hedonistic Imperative: The Seduction of Hypercapitalism

The unlikely parable that Xenophon relates  between Socrates and their mutual friend Aristippus of Cyrene serves as a lead in to the subject of this post. Socrates had observed his friend Aristippus for some time and felt that the young

The Hedonistic Imperative: The Seduction of Hypercapitalism

The Politics of AI-driven Financialization (Interview with Max Haiven)

Rethinking agency in an AI-driven world – as the AMBIENT REVOLTS conference is trying to do – the critic Krystian Woznicki interviews social thinker Max Haiven about seminal notions of agency under AI-driven financialization. Krystian Woznicki: As you repeatedly point

The Politics of AI-driven Financialization (Interview with Max Haiven)

Das transklassisch Maschinelle (G. Anders, H.D. Bahr, F. Neyrat, G. Simondon)

Folgt man der Theorie über die technischen Objekte, wie sie der französische Theoretiker Gilbert Simondon (Simondon 2012) entwickelt hat, und daran anschließend den Aussagen Frédéric Neyrats im Sammelband Die technologische Bedingung (Hörl 2011), so gilt es für die heutigen hyper-technisierten

Das transklassisch Maschinelle (G. Anders, H.D. Bahr, F. Neyrat, G. Simondon)

24/7: Sleepless Soldiers and the Psychopathy of Civilization

On first reading Johnathan Crary’s new book 24/7: Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep  I wondered if I’d shifted into some dark  psychopathic journey into the heart of darkness where citizens have become machines, augmented cyborgs in a sleepless universe of

24/7: Sleepless Soldiers and the Psychopathy of Civilization

The Belly of the Revolution: Agriculture, Energy, and the Future of Communism

….The problem is that the energy system and the technology it powers is not at all modular; it is not possible to swap out dirty energy and swap in clean energy, even if all political obstacles were removed and some

The Belly of the Revolution: Agriculture, Energy, and the Future of Communism

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