
Money=Information? Jonathan Beller and Joseph Vogl on the derivative terms of contemporary capitalism

As in Joseph Vogl’s new book Capital and Ressentment, information is also a central concept for Jonathan Beller’s book World Computer. For Beller, the drastic increase of information implies the possibility of concluding a derivative contract on any phenomenon, which […]

Money=Information? Jonathan Beller and Joseph Vogl on the derivative terms of contemporary capitalism

Recentering the Lumpen Question Today

UNDERSTANDING LUMPENIZATION AND BONAPARTISM originally published in Spectre To name a class “lumpenproletariat” is to reveal something that would otherwise prefer to stay hidden. The lumpenproletariat is not merely defined by its non-relation to production, which is the most common definition

Recentering the Lumpen Question Today

Riot.Strike.Riot (Leseprobe)

read here: you can order the book here: https://force-inc.org/p/riot-strike-riot you can listen a clover/malm discussion here Published by Galerie der Abseitigen Künste und NON.Derivate Herausgegeben von Karl-Heinz Dellwo / Achim Szepanski Übersetzung: Richard Bachmann, Dennis Büscher-Ulbrich, Jan Heintz Übersetzungslektorat: J.

Riot.Strike.Riot (Leseprobe)

Lukács ’ Idea of Communism and its Blind Spot: Money

The three main concepts of Lukács’ famous book History and Class Consciousness   are already contained in the title: History, Class and Consciousness. 1  These three concepts are especially developed in the longest and most important essay of the book, “Reification

Lukács ’ Idea of Communism and its Blind Spot: Money

Joshua Clover: RIOT. STRIKE. RIOT

you can order the book here: https://force-inc.org/p/riot-strike-riot Published by Galerie der Abseitigen Künste und NON.Derivate Herausgegeben von Karl-Heinz Dellwo / Achim Szepanski Übersetzung: Richard Bachmann, Dennis Büscher-Ulbrich, Jan Heintz Übersetzungslektorat: J. Paul Weiler Erscheint: Januar 2021 Jahrhunderte lang waren die

Joshua Clover: RIOT. STRIKE. RIOT

From Theological to Historical Apocatastasis: Notes on Benjamin’s ‘Theologico-Political Fragment’

Strength of hatred in Marx.Fighting spirit of the working class.Interlay revolutionary destruction and the idea of redemption.— Walter Benjamin, ‘Notes on the Concept of History,’ (1939) 1. To have repudiated with the utmost vehemence the political significance of Millenarianism is

From Theological to Historical Apocatastasis: Notes on Benjamin’s ‘Theologico-Political Fragment’

Thomas Nails “Marx in Motion” (4)

Deshalb gilt auch darauf hinzuweisen, welche ko-primäre Rolle die primitive Akkumulation oder die direkte Aneignung als versteckter kinetischer Support für die interne und die externe Bewegung des Werts besitzen. Hierzu schreibt zum Beispiel Winfried Wolf: „Es gibt auch Versuche der

Thomas Nails “Marx in Motion” (4)

Kann es einen klimagerechten Kapitalismus geben?

In der letzten Zeit wachsen auch in der Umweltbewegung die Zweifel – und es gibt Theoretiker, die wieder auf Sozialismus und sogar auf Lenin zurückgreifen Die im Auftrag der Klimabewegung Fridays for Future vom Wuppertal-Institut erstellte Studie sollte zeigen, dass

Kann es einen klimagerechten Kapitalismus geben?

Iran: “There Is an Infinite Amount of Hope… but Not for Us”

An Interview Discussing the Pandemic, Economic Crisis, Repression, and Resistance in Iran All around the world, as the compromises that stabilized capitalism through the 20th century collapse, people are facing increasingly authoritarian measures from governments of all stripes. In this

Iran: “There Is an Infinite Amount of Hope… but Not for Us”

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